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LIF Infant
Member since 5/06 96 total posts
Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I have a 10 month old black lab. She is very crazy at times. I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas on how to prepare her for a new baby. It was hard enough to get her not to jump on my belly. Even still it is a challenge.
Posted 11/2/06 11:45 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I have the same problem. Hyper 10 month old chocolate lab. Jumps on me and everyone else. I have no idea what to do. We're gonna have gates up to keep him out of the room when the baby is out.
Posted 11/2/06 11:55 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
My lab is 11 so I think he should be OK...there are a few ideas I have seen posted on the Pets board in the putting baby's blanket where your dog sleeps, introducing them, etc. I would do a search.
Posted 11/2/06 12:07 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
When dd was born our chocolate lab was about 10 months. She was the most hyper dog ever, but strangely enough was super calm around the baby.
Posted 11/2/06 12:09 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I remember my SIL had BIL bring home the baby's hat and booties with him at night when she was still in the hospital so the dog could get used to the smell and the baby wouldn't be a stranger.
I've also heard that you want to make sure you make special alone time with the dog so he doesn't feel left out and also make sure you spend some time with the baby and the dog together so he sees that the baby is part of the family.
If you constantly isolate the dog from the baby, the dog will start to resent the baby.
I'm most worried about the fact that he barks at the wind. It's going to be hard to get a little one to nap when the furry one is barking up a storm!!
Message edited 3/15/2007 8:30:52 PM.
Posted 11/2/06 12:13 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Our Boston was a little over a year when Andrew was born. We were so nervous because he is NUTS!!!
The only thing was did to prepare was put together all of the baby's stuff. IE: swing, pack n' play. And let him sniff it and we even had everything going so he would get used to it.
When the baby came home we sat on the couch and DH held the dog and let him sniff him. I will not lie the first couple of days he was still nuts but he then calmed down soo much.
Now Andrew and Bailey have soo much fun together. Andrew thinks he is hysterical.
Posted 11/2/06 12:17 PM |
Almost there!

Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Posted by leighla
I remember my SIL had BIL bring home the baby's hat and booties with him at night when she was still in the hospital so the dog could get used to the smell and the baby wouldn't be a stranger.
I've also heard that you want to make sure you make special alone time with the dog so he doesn't feel left out and also make sure you spend some time with the baby and the dog together so he sees that the baby is part of the family.
If you constantly isolate the dog from the baby, the dog will start to resent the baby.
Very good advice. We are planning to do that.
I want to add that if there is a room or something that will become off-limits to the dog after the baby arrives, get him adjusted to that before baby arrives. Don't suddenly take away privileges when the baby arrives.
Posted 11/2/06 1:11 PM |

Member since 7/06 2467 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Posted by babymakes3
Posted by leighla
I remember my SIL had BIL bring home the baby's hat and booties with him at night when she was still in the hospital so the dog could get used to the smell and the baby wouldn't be a stranger.
I've also heard that you want to make sure you make special alone time with the dog so he doesn't feel left out and also make sure you spend some time with the baby and the dog together so he sees that the baby is part of the family.
If you constantly isolate the dog from the baby, the dog will start to resent the baby.
Very good advice. We are planning to do that.
I want to add that if there is a room or something that will become off-limits to the dog after the baby arrives, get him adjusted to that before baby arrives. Don't suddenly take away privileges when the baby arrives.
Posted 11/2/06 1:15 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 2223 total posts
Name: Ellie
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Our dog has definitely changed since the birth - but when I was PG with our first he would still use my belly as a springboard. He is much lighter than a lab though!
when the baby came he became the ultimate protector. And now as the years have gone by, he loves that he can jump around and play with DS
FYI with gates: my sister's lab jump gates. When they tried to raise them, she crawled under. So make sure you get tall ones.
Posted 11/2/06 1:16 PM |
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
We plan on having Casey and Tally spend time with us as a family with baby every day in the evenings.
Also, they get lots of milkbones and rawhhides now- when baby comes they will only get treats while I am holding the baby. Hopefully, that will help them associate that mommy spending time with the baby means FOOD!
But they are sweet dogs overall, only Tally is a bit hyper when we first walk in the house.
Posted 11/2/06 2:23 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I think it begins from your own training besides the following - we always trained louie to be good around kids (ie - we can put our hands in his food, touch him while he is eating or drinking, etc.)
We let Louie see us putting the stuff together, he was scared of some of it at first but got used to it being around, as someone mentioned already - and it worked great.
When I was in the hospital, dh also brought home a blanket the baby had been swaddled in, then he sat with the blanket and petted it nicely (faked out Louie that there was a baby there!) and then let Louie sniff it - once Louie sniffed it, he put it in the basinett and another night put a different blanket he brought home in the crib.
When we came home, we showered Louie with affection too - dh brought the baby in, i petted and oohed and aahed over Louie and then we let him sniff her while she was in the car seat.
so far, he is amazing with her and has never even made the least agressive move toward her - as she is growing a little older we even test him more - putting her in his spots, etc and he does fantastic. She has even unched him in the nbose by accident when he is sniffing her and he doesn't seem to mind! He is so gentle and lays right by her, especially if she cries. Ironically, he is more protective of the house now too - esp. at night - he now will get out of bed at night if he hears things (before he could have cared less once he was nestled in!)
good luck - the key also is not to be stressed about it - dogs can sense your emotions and therefore you remaining calm is crucial - i think louie is goo db/c he knows we trust him - of course as much as we love him, he is a dog and we have to watch him but so far, so good!
Posted 11/2/06 2:33 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I have a dog just like yours! I have two one is calm and easily controllable the other is a maniac! Not mean just hyper-I would say to get some obedience training because dogs that are excitable like that may be hard to control when there are new smells and new activity in the house
Posted 11/2/06 2:57 PM |
Member since 10/05 6039 total posts
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
I have a Daschund and she's not too hyper nonetheless we worry how will she react to the baby. My vet gave me some advice.....
Bring something from the hospital with the scent of the baby so that when you bring the baby home, the dog already knows the scent of your baby.
Buy a doll before you give birth. Walk around the house with the doll just the same way you'd carry your baby. Buy a doll that have a bottle and pretend you are feeding the doll and let your dog watch you. Also, buy a doll that makes the sound of a crying baby so that your dog can get used to. I already tried this and my dog did not get aggressive at all. She was looking at me at first I think out of curiosity to see what I had in my arms but then she looked and moved on to play with her toys.
When you come home from the hospital, you need to come in first and pet your dog and say hi before you bring the baby in. Then go out again, bring the baby with your husband and introduce them and just you and your husband be very close to the baby and the dog when this interaction is happening. You have to let your dog sniff the baby. The vet said this is very important because if you don't do this, and keep the baby away, that would trigger aggressiveness and your dog will resent the baby.
If you are allowing the dog inside the nursery then let him walk in there but if you don't want him in there, you'd have to do this way before you bring the baby home.
Also, try to bring or have your pet near other children so that your dog can get used to kids. This helps a lot.
Last but not least, you should try to give attention to your pet and if your dog gets walks, even though it can be extremely difficult with a new baby in the home, you'd have to try to give your dog some attention as well. My husband and I are going to try that if one has the baby, the other one will either play or pay attention to the dog.
And in regards to the behavior of jumping on your belly...or doing any behavior that you don't a spray bottle from the dollar store...preferably if it's a colored one(I have one in Pink) and when your pet does the behavior that you don't want, spray water on their face. You need to be consistent and do this each and every time until the behavior disappears. Most likely you'd only have to do this probably twice and then they won't do it anymore. My dog will go inside the bathroom and take the toilet paper and make a mess. I only sprayed her water twice and now she doesn't even look at it anymore.....this definitely works and you are not in any way mistreating your dog but you will have a well behaved one. Best of luck !!!
Posted 11/5/06 11:25 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
My Bro/SIL had a young lab (about a year) when my first niece was born. They started preparing the baby by carrying around a doll a few months before and when he would come by the doll, they'd say gentle.
When niece was delivered, they brought home a dirty diaper and the baby's little cap so he could smell it/get used to her.
They also would prepare him by coming up behind him and pulling on his ear, tapping him and then immediately giving him a treat and saying good dog when he wouldn't snap or growl.
He was the most gentle, caring dog even the first week she was home. I think you'll be fine. He protects both girls fiercely now.
Posted 11/6/06 5:51 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Posted by SweetCin
My Bro/SIL had a young lab (about a year) when my first niece was born. They started preparing the baby by carrying around a doll a few months before and when he would come by the doll, they'd say gentle.
When niece was delivered, they brought home a dirty diaper and the baby's little cap so he could smell it/get used to her.
They also would prepare him by coming up behind him and pulling on his ear, tapping him and then immediately giving him a treat and saying good dog when he wouldn't snap or growl.
He was the most gentle, caring dog even the first week she was home. I think you'll be fine. He protects both girls fiercely now.
This is great advice.
Posted 11/6/06 8:46 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Bump for Stefanie!!
Posted 12/13/06 4:37 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Trying to bump again...oops I guess this should be on pets board - oh well!
Message edited 12/13/2006 4:44:12 PM.
Posted 12/13/06 4:43 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Posted by karacg
Trying to bump again...oops I guess this should be on pets board - oh well!
Do I need to report you???
Posted 12/13/06 7:55 PM |
I love my boys!!
Member since 5/05 8044 total posts
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Xpost from Pets Section
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by stephanief
So as you know, my Sandy is spoiled rotten. She sleep in our bed and is treated like our baby (which she is - I always tell her that no matter what, she will always be my first baby )
So, how do I get her ready for the "real" baby that will be here in 3 short months?
Holy Sh!t...3 more months
any tips, thanks girls --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get a doll. Carry the doll around the house, let her sniff the doll. Place the doll on the couch, , your bed, etc. After a few weeks, purchase a doll that makes crying noises and do the same thing.
When the nursery is ready, let Sandy sniff the room to her hearts content. Let her smell the baby's clothes too.
Oh one more thing, when you come home from the hospital have one person come in carrying the baby and the other come in going right to Sandy and giving her a kiss. Whoever is closer to Sandy should not be walking in with the baby. I am going to guess it is you. So you come in and run to her and hug her.
When people come to visit, they will be excited to see the baby. Make sure she gets a hug or new toy from them too.
This will make the transition a lot easier for her.
Posted 12/13/06 7:59 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone have any ideas on how to prepare my dog for a new baby?
Posted by karacg
Bump for Stefanie!!
Thanks, I just saw this. I am adding this to my notebook as well
Posted 12/13/06 8:40 PM |