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going off birth control - SO CONFUSED!!! WARNING: LONG AND CRAZY POST

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

584 total posts


going off birth control - SO CONFUSED!!! WARNING: LONG AND CRAZY POST

k- long story short - I accidentally went off birth control this month (didn't bring the refill with me on vacation) and AF is 6 days late. Took 2 pregnancy tests - both were negative

the gyno says that it is VERY common to skip AF for up to 10 weeks after going off the pill, and basically that's what I did this month! Chat Icon

We are NOT ready for a baby right now, but we want to start trying in like may/june. I planned on going off in Dec. anyway - do you think it is worth it to go back on for just a few months, or should I clean out my system. If it takes 10 weeks for AF to come back - I'm afraid that going back on might dim my chances of conceiving.

AND NOW for the crazy part. I didn't want to be pregnant this month, we just are not ready financially yet and we don't have the house finished, BUT when the test came back negative, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with me that I didn't conceive....I'M CRAZY!!!!! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/13/2005 11:39:02 AM.

Posted 8/13/05 11:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: going off birth control - SO CONFUSED!!! WARNING: LONG AND CRAZY POST

I think we all feel crazy at some point or another about this process!!

Most docs recommend you are off BC for 3 months prior to starting to TTC. So if it were me, I would stay off it. But it's really your decision to make with your DH.

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Posted 8/13/05 3:35 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: going off birth control - SO CONFUSED!!! WARNING: LONG AND CRAZY POST

I would stay off at this point to give you body a chance to adjust- just use alterate birth control until you are ready.

Posted 8/14/05 5:39 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

444 total posts


Re: going off birth control - SO CONFUSED!!! WARNING: LONG AND CRAZY POST

I had wacky periods for the first 3 months going off the pill. If you were on it for a long time it may just take a little while to get on schedule. Just use alternate BC in the meantime.

Posted 8/14/05 6:48 PM

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