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daycare question

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


daycare question

Does anyone know if daycare prices go down if there are more children that the person is watching? Right now my daughter is only one of 3 kids in an in-home daycare. One child is the sitter's daughter who is 3 and the other is her aunt's daughter who is 2. However she mentioned that she is getting 2 more kids soon, I forget the ages but I know one of them is 4 months old --- and then in November her aunt is due with another baby so she'll be up to 6 kids then.

I feel like she'll be able to devote a LOT less time to my daughter with all of these other kids there. The price wouldn't be the only issue, but it's definately something to consider being that my daughter won't be getting as much one on one, especially since they'll be 2 babies there that are younger then her.

Posted 5/5/06 9:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: daycare question

No..the price will not go down. I would be totally shocked if she did that. She is charging to care for her daughter, not based on how many children she has.
Actually if she is the only care giver for this many children she may be breaking NY State daycare laws. I am pretty sure she needs a 2nd person at that point.
If you like the care your daughter is getting and you feel she is safe then keep her there and see how it works out. You may want to investigate new daycare so you have a back up plan in case you are not happy after a few weeks.

Posted 5/5/06 9:20 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: daycare question

Well Im assuming that she isnt a licensed day care provider.....however if she is- she is in clear violation of ratios....

In a daycare setting- you have to follow the NYS ratio for the youngest child- which in this situation is 4-1.....but if she isnt licesned- non of this applies...

I doubt the price will drop because she is getting more kids...

Message edited 5/5/2006 9:21:46 PM.

Posted 5/5/06 9:20 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: daycare question

I also think the price won't drop, but I'd be very concerned about the *quality* of care your DD will be getting once the other 2 arrive, especially if this woman works alone. I'm sure you plan to do this, but I would speak with her re: your concerns.

Posted 5/5/06 9:49 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: daycare question

The price would only drop if the second kid was yours. They usually give you a 10% discount off of the oldest child.

I agree with Marissa - too many kids & in clear violation of NYS.

Posted 5/5/06 10:05 PM

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