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Pre-TTC Questions!!!

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Pre-TTC Questions!!!

Okey Dokey, here goes, I am not currently trying to conceive, but will be in the near future, so I have a few questions...

What should I be doing to prepare??

What vitamins, pills etc, should I begin taking?? Do I have to take pre-natals or are there alternatives..such as those One a Day pills for woman??

Are there any special things my DH should be doing or taking??

I am currently on the pill...we plan to start ttc around July, I am making it my birthday presentChat Icon , when should I stop taking the pill??

OK, I think thats it for now. TIA!!Chat Icon

OK and one more question I am sure will sound odd....DH and I rent an you think I should check with our landlady first, to see if she will let us live here with a baby?? I don't want to get pregnant and then in the middle of my pregnancy have to worry or stress about packing a house up and moving. Would you check first or just wait it out and whatever will be will be?? Thanks!!Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/06 8:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC Questions!!!

The only thing I did was take Folic Acid.

I was lucky and got pg on our first month of "trying." I wasn't charting or anything. If you want, you can stop taking the pill and chart for the next two months and get a sense of when you ovulate so that come July, you will know exactly when to BD for best results. Or, you can do like we did and whatever will be, will be. You could get lucky and get your BFP the first try.

I would not say anything to your landlord. I would take things as they come, and if they didn't say anything about no children when you moved in, then they really can't say anything at all.

And, most of all, HAVE FUN! Try not to get too stressed out, it could take months for some people to get their BFP.

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Posted 4/28/06 11:26 AM


Member since 5/05

3415 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC Questions!!!

Good luck!!!! I only took folic acid and got PG the second month I was off the pill. I had two m/c's so I started charting this month. I agree, try not to let itstress you out and enjoy!!! Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/28/06 8:47 PM

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