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Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

My daughter has been one cranky little girl the last 2 days she is working on at least 4 teeth coming in Chat Icon Anyways she was up every 3 hours last night just like a newborn. It was awful at 3am she was up and wanted to play! So we are getting ready to leave for church and she is CRANKY. I tell my DH that this is not a good idea and go without us. Then I rethink it and think I don't want to be home alone with her again like this. So off to church we go. Don't you know she was a perfect angel at church. Barely a peep out of her and then fell asleep half way through as always! It's almost like she knows ok be a cranky girl at home but you have to behave better in public. She can't possibly understand this at 10 months, can she?

Posted 2/19/06 12:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

I want to say NO cause I just can't believe its possible. BUT Aidan has done the same thing!

I remember one time in particular he was acting like a BEAR all day and wouldn't nap, fell on his lip as we were leaving, etc.... but we had plans to eat out and we sooo want to go as we needed to get out so we figured if he was just unbearable we would pack it up and head home.

Don't you know he was the perfect angel through the whole meal we even got dessert. Just kept eating everthing put in front of him and played with his toys the entire time. Total 180 from the day we had!

Posted 2/19/06 12:51 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

I don't have a 10 month old yet so I can't say but I will tell you that I think Miranda gets stir crazy if we're home too many days. Like yesterday she was pretty cranky and we had a party to go to. I debated going but I said to myself "well she always does really well when we're out of the house". Sure enough she was fine. After about and hour and a half she got cranky but that's because bedtime was approaching.
So maybe she just likes the change of scenery?

Posted 2/19/06 1:10 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

I don't think that she knows to behave, but that being around so many people just captures her attention and keeps her entertained.

Posted 2/19/06 9:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

99 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

Joey does this to me sometimes also. I kinda think that he goes stir crazy being in the house so much and what he really wants is to get out (which is why he's happy when he does). Hope you get some Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/06 12:02 AM


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

I don't think they understand

But isn't it a good thing that you can go out in public with the baby and not have to deal with melt downs?

Posted 2/20/06 10:27 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

I don't think they understand and Emily is only 4 months so I don't really have that much experience with it, but I do know that she does seem to really like going out. She just likes having all the new people/things to look at and check out.

Posted 2/20/06 10:29 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Do you think that a 10 month old has any sense how to behave in public?

Same here... I don't think Alex knows the difference at all, but I've noticed that she's a *totally* different baby when we're out. Everyone comments on how well behaved, sweet and smiley she is, but the second we bring her home, all hell breaks loose! I really think they just like the change of scenerey... here's to bored babies! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/06 12:57 PM

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