LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 1185 total posts
Name: Sandra
Dear Boss:
Dear Boss:
I know I have been out 4 times in 3 weeks -sick- and even though I went to the infirmary in the building and the doctor said to go home-and you gave a puss, I i called in sick the next day b/c I was SICK---and you know I was sick--you then need to know how much $ you have used on temps.....After 3+ years working together, you think you would trust that I am being HONEST. What is with you? I don't take lunch, if I do, I work around your schedule, I listen to you bad mouth and put people down under your breath, I see you come back from liquid lunches, I listen to your crap, I listen to you put me down or what I did wrong, or what typo I made. God forbid you'd ask how I was feeling, how my weekend was, or acknowledge I have a life. I have to smirk, a vendor called you, and YOU TOLD HIM to go home and get some rest b/c he was sick, but w/ me coughing and white as a ghost, you would never say that to me. You know what, I actually dislike you as a person. Life will change upon your return from vacation-I hope you enjoyed it. I will be taking lunch, I will not work around your schedule, if you have a guest coming at 2pm I guest you will have to get him from the lobby desk, I will not stay locked and chained to my desk anymore, I am going to socialize and gab with the ladies. My loyalty has ceased- considering yours has.
Sincerely, your dumba$$ employee who sticks around..