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OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

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and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

Scotty is almost 8, and he has major butt wiping issues. I don't know what it is, but when he poops, it's really hard to get him clean (I know, WAY TMI!) so most of the time *I* wind up wiping his a$$!Chat Icon

He's gonna be 8 on Friday, and I think it's about time I STOP DOING THIS! But like I said, it's NOT an easy task to do...

any advice????????????

Posted 2/1/06 7:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

My girlfriend's son is much younger (3) but she found that when she got those new Kando wipes he was able to clean himself better than with dry paper.

Posted 2/1/06 7:07 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

I know that my mom had to do this for my brother for a VERY long time- He wound up using a full legnth mirror in the bathroom to check himself Chat Icon and it worked and also using a little water helped as well.

Posted 2/1/06 7:12 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

I was just going to suggest getting baby wipes, its better than dry toilet paper

Posted 2/1/06 7:18 PM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

My son had the same problem, when he turned 7 I told him that was it, he had to wipe his own butt. I gave him baby wipes and eventually he got the hang of it. At least I think he got the hang of it! No stains (if you get my drift!).Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 7:23 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

yup, those wet flushable wipes are great, we all use them !! (tmi, sorry). I remember one of the docs I work with said everyone should use them, he said if poop got on your arm would you just wipe it with a piece of tissue or would you use water and soap, it makes sense.

Posted 2/1/06 7:55 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

Is your DH helping him learn how? I think that he would benefit from that since I would think that boys wipe differently than girls. I mean a girl can wipe much easier through the legs, I'd think a boy would be better off going behind (I'll have to ask my DH what he does LOL) I dont have any first hand advice since I'm still wiping my 3 year old's rear (although its a helluva lot better than changing a diaper!!)

I think the wet wipes would definitely be a big help too. At least nowadays they market them for older kids too so your son wouldnt feel like hes using baby wipes.

Let us know what works so I can store the info for future use here.

Message edited 2/1/2006 8:27:54 PM.

Posted 2/1/06 8:27 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

Patrick doesn't get the check & see if your done method. We use the Kandoo wipes & they are awesome. Now if I can only get him to understand that 1 wipe is not always going to cut it! Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 10:31 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

Mine just turned 10 and I keep the small flushable baby wipes for him to use when he poops.

They are more gentle and clean him much better then the toilet paper..

Posted 2/1/06 10:47 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

kandoo wipes are awesome.... or even flushable baby wipes...

Posted 2/1/06 11:24 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

OK, I'm going to get the Kandoo wipes today. I have tried one of the other moist wipes (I think they were Scott wipes) and they helped a bit, but I'll try these.

Thanks SOOOO much for all of your helpChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 7:36 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: OK, TMI but...(for those who have older children)

Just be careful with the "flushable" wipes. I bought them for my nephew (7) and ended up having to have a plumber come because all the toilets and showers in my house were backing up. The plumber pulled out some of those wipes. He was yelling at us telling us that baby wipes are not supposed to go down the toilet. I told him that I specifically bought the "flushables" and he said that all that means is that once they get into the sewer or the cesspool that they will breakup, but it takes a long time, and if they get stuck in your pipes getting out of the house to the sewer or cesspool that you will have major back-ups. I no longer let them be used unless they are rolled up in toilet paper and put in the garbage pail.

Posted 2/3/06 4:39 AM

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