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When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

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Member since 5/05

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When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Or most of the night?

Just curious if there is light at the end of the tunnelChat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 9:35 PM
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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Sofia starting sleeping thru the night which is considered i think 5-6 hours right about the 3 mo mark. She still wakes up around 5:30ish coz she is hungry but that is with going to bed the night b4 at 8pm. Typically if she up that early i feed her and quietly play for about an hr and she goes right back down for another 2 hrs. Don't get me wrong there are days when she decides to wake up at 2:30, 3:30 & 4:30 so we do have some off days. Keep in mind not all babies are the same- i know from reading the boards there are babies older than mine that still wake up 2x/night.

Posted 6/15/06 9:39 PM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Emily started right around 3 months and for the most part she always does except for random nights here and there when her teeth must be bothering her or something like that.

Posted 6/15/06 9:41 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

6 weeks is a major milestone, and 8 weeks can be as well.

Every baby is different! I never thought we'd get there, but then *BAM* all of a sudden she started sleeping longer stretches and I swore she was dead! Now I gladly welcome her 6pm bedtime and she'll fuss here and there for her paci...and eats 4:30-6:30am and then goes back to sleep till 7:30-8:30, sometimes after 9am!!

Posted 6/15/06 9:42 PM


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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Posted by btrflygrl

6 weeks is a major milestone, and 8 weeks can be as well.

Every baby is different! I never thought we'd get there, but then *BAM* all of a sudden she started sleeping longer stretches and I swore she was dead! Now I gladly welcome her 6pm bedtime and she'll fuss here and there for her paci...and eats 4:30-6:30am and then goes back to sleep till 7:30-8:30, sometimes after 9am!!

Wow!! That's greatChat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 9:44 PM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Well, I'm still waiting at 9 mos - Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 9:51 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Sara starting sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old. She had an 11PM bottle and that was it until 7:00AM. Now, at 4 montsh she has a bottle at 8PM and I wake her at 7AM when I have to bring her to the babysitter > She is such a good girl and a good sleeper

My son was the same way it wasnt until he was older did he wake up at night

Message edited 6/15/2006 10:09:05 PM.

Posted 6/15/06 10:08 PM

The Boys!

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

I agree every child is different. My son is not really a sleeper in terms of length. He sleeps through, but on average 9 hours which isn't a lot considering he is 5 months old and doesn't nap all dayChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
He started through the night at 4 months.

Posted 6/15/06 10:13 PM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Jesse started sleeping through the night about 7-8 weeks. He's almost 14 months now and sleeps about 11-12 hours per night. Hang in there - it gets better!

Posted 6/15/06 10:17 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

I dont want to jinx it but Katie has been doing nice 4-5 hour stretches at night for the last few nights - maybe a week. She will be 7 wks old tomorrow.

Posted 6/15/06 10:27 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Posted by jcndd

Well, I'm still waiting at 9 mos - Chat Icon Chat Icon

Hang in there! My baby just started sleeping 11 hours @ 9 months. He's 10 months today! Chat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 10:36 PM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

Kerri sleeps for 5-6 hours from the beginning....up at 3am then up at 6:30 or 7 then sleeps till about 9am. Every kid is different

Posted 6/15/06 10:53 PM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

6 weeks for my DD

Posted 6/16/06 5:42 AM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

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My 14 month old still wakes at least once per night for a quick nurse and then back to sleep. She does often sleep a 7 hour stretch, but it starts at 8 pm so the wake up is in the middle of my night. When I tried to cut out the night wakings (yes, I spent two months with no night feedings so I tried!) she was waking up at 4:45 am routinely. UGH. So, I'll continue the night feedings if she continues to sleep until 7 am!

Guess I'm the big loser on the baby sleep lotto here!

Posted 6/16/06 6:06 AM

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Re: When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

My son is 14 months old and still doesn't sleep through the night!

Posted 6/16/06 6:47 AM

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