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Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

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The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

but what about nap times? How many naps does your baby take and how long are they for? Sometimes I think he sleeps too much during the day which may be why he's up so often (2-3x) during the night... so instead of his two 1/2hr naps and one 2-3 hour nap today I've only let him take quick cat naps...he's not lasting that well tho'...

Posted 1/1/06 3:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

I wanna say Ryan does 1-2 half hour cat naps, and then one big 2-3 hrs nap as well...

As Calla suggested sometimes...cutting back on the amount of sleep they get causes them to wake up more often!

Did you try putting him to bed earlier????

SOmeone had posted a chart on here saying that at this age they need at least 15.5 hours sleep/day...

Message edited 1/1/2006 3:02:58 PM.

Posted 1/1/06 3:02 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Heres the link

This is what Calla had suggested....and so far so great!

Posted 1/1/06 3:04 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Miranda takes 2-3 1&1/2 to 2 hour naps every day.
It kind of goes like this

wake up 5-6am
nap starts 7-8am
so from that point on once she wakes up we try for a nap 2 hours after she wakes from a nap (hope that makes sense). We don't really have a perfect schedule yet though but it's getting better. She does sometimes only take a cat nap but honestly keeping her up is just torture for everyone and I really haven't found it makes any difference at night.
She goes to bed around 9pm and most mornings is awake between 5-6am. She will stir during the night but I think if I can ever get her out of my room I won't even notice it.

Posted 1/1/06 3:16 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Posted by Princessmaris

Heres the link

This is what Calla had suggested....and so far so great!

I want to try this but I have one question. If her last bottle is around 7pm won't she wake up earlier because she's hungry?

Miranda takes about 4oz 5 times a day. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. So I usually keep her up to get one more feeding in her to get to the 20oz and to last her through the night.

Any suggestions on this?

Posted 1/1/06 3:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

It's weird with Alex... on weekends when I'm home with her she takes two long naps during the day. One in the morning - from 1-2 hours, and one in the afternoon, which is also 1-2 hours. But when she's in daycare she only takes catnaps. She's awake for 2 hours, sleeps for 20-30, awake for 2, sleeps for 20-30, etc. I've noticed that she sleeps MUCH MUCH better through the night on days she's in daycare... on the weekends, it's all shot to hell Chat Icon

Posted 1/1/06 4:57 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Posted by monkeybride

Posted by Princessmaris

Heres the link

This is what Calla had suggested....and so far so great!

I want to try this but I have one question. If her last bottle is around 7pm won't she wake up earlier because she's hungry?

Miranda takes about 4oz 5 times a day. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. So I usually keep her up to get one more feeding in her to get to the 20oz and to last her through the night.

Any suggestions on this?

Ryans last bottle is usually 7 or 8....and he hasnt gotten up this stage they can be held over longer....

I dont force Ryan to go down but thats the time I see he gets I let him go to bed...I use to try and keep him up....because I thought the same as you...he'd get up far callas suggestion has been very succesful!

Posted 1/1/06 5:08 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Posted by monkeybride

I want to try this but I have one question. If her last bottle is around 7pm won't she wake up earlier because she's hungry?

Every baby is different, so its hard to predict without trial and error. I have to say though, I've never heard of a 4+ month old baby whose wake up time is regularly earlier than the 5 - 6 am you are already describing, even with bed times as early as 5:30 pm.

What could happen is a brief wake up for a feeding around 3-4 and then right back to sleep, which might let you sleep in a little later. Not sure if that would be better or worse in your eyes, but I know that I enjoy having a few hours to myself in the evening!

Of course I'm only suggesting these early bed times for babies who are asking for it -- I think that trying to keep your baby up later results in less sleep each day. But, if your baby is alert and playful later, I don't think you can easily shift bed time earlier!

Posted 1/1/06 5:22 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Joseph goes to bed between 7 and 8 every night since he's home from the hospital. We're very strict w/ his bedtime routine. We've also been lucky that although he wakes often, he goes RIGHT back to sleep. I just wonder why he still wakes so much???

Posted 1/1/06 5:49 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

Posted by jcndd

Joseph goes to bed between 7 and 8 every night since he's home from the hospital. We're very strict w/ his bedtime routine. We've also been lucky that although he wakes often, he goes RIGHT back to sleep. I just wonder why he still wakes so much???

Is he eating enough during the day?

I notice on days where Ryan hasnt eated very our more frequent awakenings at night...

Ryan has 22-25oz by bed time usually...

Posted 1/1/06 5:51 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Moms of 3-4 mo olds - we've asked the nighttime sleeping questions..

He's EBF so I don't know for sure... I'm *guessing* he get's about 5-6 oz per feeding and he nurses about 4-5x a day plus a heaping bowl of cereal before bed....I'm going to ask the pedi about adding veggies during the day...

Posted 1/2/06 8:02 AM

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