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Question for the mommies that have been induced.

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Question for the mommies that have been induced.

Just doing some research on the whole induction process and wondering what your experiences have been like.

i haven't dialated, lost mucus plug nada - and am due tomorrow. Baby is about 8.5 lbs.

Doctor is planning on inducing me on Thursday (if nothing happens before then). I would enter the hosiptal on Wed night and be administered CERVIDIL to ripen my cervix and then be induced the next day.

Assuming my baby doesn't come before then - What have your experiences been with the induction process?
Did you go into labor soon after cervidil was administered?
I also heard Pitocin can bring on strong labor pains - what we your experiences like?

Thanks so much

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Posted 2/17/06 7:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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The Boys!

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Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was admitted into the hospital on mon, given cervidil at 10 pm. With cervidil you are supposed to stay laying down for two hours without going to the bathroom (quite a feat at 9mths and with a continuous IV going) and it should be in for 12 hours before they induce you. I started contracting at 3 am and went into labor on my own from there (water broke, dialated rapidly) and had my son at 11:46 the next am. The resident told me when they gave me the cervidil that it didn't facilitate contractions- only VERY rarely...thus why they sent my DH home that night right after it was inserted. I never needed pitocin.

Posted 2/17/06 8:29 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

Message edited 12/20/2011 6:13:45 PM.

Posted 2/17/06 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I am not a BTDT mom but you should read A THinking Women's Guide to Birth. They have some good info on induction.

Posted 2/17/06 9:15 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

the only thing my dr did to 'induce' me was break my water. after that, things progressed naturally, and about 2 hours later, Sofia was born.

Posted 2/17/06 9:18 PM


Member since 2/06

1827 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was induced due to low amniotic fluid on my due date. At that time I was 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was admitted into the hospital at 4:00 on Thursday. I had the first round of cervidil at 6:00pm. The first round did not work for me. My doctor checked me the next morning and decided to give me a break. The second round of cevidil was administered at 6:00pm on Friday. This round worked and by 11:00pm, I was feeling painful contractions. I had an epi at 4:00am and pitocin at 6:00am. My doctor broke my bag of water at 10:00am but there was pretty much nothing left. I had my son at 2:30pm on Saturday. I have no regrets about the induction process. Good Luck.

Posted 2/17/06 9:32 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was induced with both my sons..

First time I was just given the pitocin, they broke my water.. 3 hours later my son was here...

Last time, I was given the cervadil at around 9pm and was told the doctor would be back at around 8am to start the pitocin but my son was born at 8am.. JUST AS HE GOT THERE...

The cervadil threw me into full blown lablor in about 3 hours.. there I was 1 cent. dialated feeling fine and next thing I knew I was ready to push...

Iknow most woman prefer to go the natural way but I was happy to be induced both time and Im already hopeing that im a few days late with this one so I can be induced again.
Labor both times were quick.. I liked that..


Posted 2/17/06 10:04 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was induced because my son was "overdue" by 11 days and he was measuring large.

I was admitted and given cervidil went to sleep, and woke up in the AM with absolutely no change - nothing happened.

So they started Pitocin and watched me - again, nothing, did not bring on labor at all.
But DS heart rate lowered a few times when I was in certain positions so we agreed on a c-section.

Posted 2/18/06 12:28 AM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

Jules was 6 days late and they told me she was going to be a big one. They induced me with Cervadil and I was in labor a total of about 4 and a half hours. I pushed for 20 minutes and she was out. Unfortunately, every person has a different experience. I hope yours goes as easily as mine did! Chat Icon

Posted 2/18/06 4:52 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was induced 6 days past my due date due to low amniotic fluid. I had lost my mucous plug on the 19th and I was induced on the 27th with the cervadil. They put the cervadil in around 7pm and by midnight I was having horrid contractions but the a-hole PA that was affiliated with my OB's office told me that it was not contractions it was just some mild cramping and to shut the tv and the lights and GO TO SLEEP!! I had to suffer from midnight till 7 am with the pain and almost thru myself out of my hospital bed a few times. Chat Icon I finally got the epidural at 7:30am. but that was just my experience with a horrible OB office. I'm sure everything will be fine for you. Good luck!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/18/06 9:50 AM

Our life is complete

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Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

I was only 1cm dialted 7 days past due. My Dr admitted me to the hosp that night for cervidil. About an hour after the cervidil I started having contractions every 12 mins. At 9am the next morning I was given pitocin. Contractions every 3 mins. My water broke and contractions were on top of each other. In the end after 17.5 hours I had a c-sec

Posted 2/18/06 9:59 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

Ladies thanks so much for sharing your stories - i will keep you posted!!

As of today - still feeling well, no contractions - i have faith in my doctor and doctors office - so only a few days will tell what will happen next. I have another appt on Monday to see if there are any changes - if not, im set for Wed.

thanks againChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/18/2006 11:08:27 AM.

Posted 2/18/06 11:07 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies that have been induced.

2 days before our due date at my Dr appt we were given the choice to induce which we did, 1 day after my due date.

They gave me pitocin at 10am, contractions were about 3-4 minutes apart and they broke my water around 3:30pm. Before breaking my water, I was talking, laughing...fine with the pain I was feeling. Being in the glider helped ALOT. The contractions brought me to tears and I got my epidural soon after. It was a GREAT epidural, so around 8:30 I said that I was feeling some pressure like I had to pee really bad to my SIL and DH, she siad get the nurse...I said no, I wasn't in pain. The nurse came in around 9 and checked me and said the baby was coming NOW. I guess the pressure I was feeling was her coming down!! Didn't feel A THING!!Chat Icon

She was delivered at 9:27pm

Posted 2/18/06 11:07 AM

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