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am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

Ok i have been teaching for 4 years now, startng my 5th i love it. kids arent great and i hope to get out of the city school or in to beter one eventually but regardless i love what i do. i am due 9/9( this saturday) and all along i had said if i feel up to it i am goign in the first two days with no kids and however many days i can make it afterwards with the kids. Now i was home all summer resting and i am not the person to sit and do nothign was out everyday and yes if i was tired i slept in the afternoon obvioulsy i wont be doing that if i am workig these next few days. but... i have to say just being at work thursday and friday made me feel so good, like i was human again and not just a pregnat person. Does that make sense. i wasnt just the girl sitting home waiting to give bitrth i was doing sometign and also consdering i am goign back in december i wanted to get everything set up and talk to my replacement. i knwo peopel mean well but why does everyone have an opinion and why did everyone insist on tellig me i wasnt making it back. not one peroson including my dh said oh you'llmake it back and good for you for wanting. its like everyone swore i was going mid august( 2 weeks early mind you) and swore i would never make it back. am i wrong for goign back? i feel good have had a very very very good pregnacy so in my mind why the heck not.....sorry so long and thanks for reading.Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 8:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

I think that if you feel good and are up to it..go for it. However, I would consider a few things first...1. How close is the hospital (Just in case) and 2. How supportive is your principal? Would he/she let you go without a problem if you just can't finish the day?3. What does your OB say?
As a teacher, I know that the conference days are pretty easy and straight forward. From the sounds of it, I would probably go in tomorrow and take it as it comes. Good luck!

Posted 9/4/06 8:48 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

my dr says 100% go to work if i am up to it.

my principal has been great throughtout this whole process and my leave replacement will be in the room with me so i can leave at a minutes notice.

My dh is driving me to and from work so he is about 15 minutes form me and then the hospital is about another 20-30 minutes once he gets me.

Thast what i plan on doing taking one day at a time. ThanksChat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 8:58 PM

My guys

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Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

Go for it and enjoy some time with your coworkers before your precious Chat Icon comes!

Posted 9/4/06 9:00 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

Listen, I am a teacher, too, and at the end of the school year when I kept dragging my fat pregnant azz into school day after day after day, people thought I was crazy, but it's my passion. It's so much a part of me that being home was not an option that I felt comfortable with. I couldn't stand knowing that I was home sitting down when I should be at school teaching. No one understood that. Then, all the women I work with would say, "Oh, you'll see, you'll NEVER want to come back in September once you have her." Well, guess what? Here I am, three months later, getting ready to go back tomorrow, and I could not be happier. Will I miss Ava? Surely, but it's not nearly enough to keep me home everyday. People just suck. Do what makes you happy Noel and screw them all!Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 9:03 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

Thanks Rachael

Posted 9/4/06 9:05 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

I am not a teacher, butmy mom was a teacher for 35 years.

Both my sister and I were born on Sundays and she worked until the Friday before with both of us, so I completely understand why you would want to go in this week and I totally think you should!

I loved that my mom was a teacher growing up, nothing EVER shocked her and she had the same schedule as my sister and I so we saw her a lot more.

Now, as I am pregnant with my first child I kind of wish that I had pursued teaching, it is a field that is very supportive of mothers, not many others are.

Good luck this week!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 9:09 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

How old are the kids you are working with?

My only concern would be- if you have young children it might now be fair to get them use to you for 2 weeks.. then get use to a sub for 3 months, and then the sub leave and you come back...

If you have younger children- its alot of adjustment for them... JMHO

However- if you feel that your class is older and will adjust fine... and you feel up to it... Then you go girl! Chat Icon


I work up until 3 days before I had my son.... everyone thought I was crazy- BUT it was easier to be at work and busy then it was for me to sit at home and be uncomfortable!

Message edited 9/4/2006 9:28:34 PM.

Posted 9/4/06 9:27 PM

After 4 years, 1000 posts!

Member since 7/06

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Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

Not at all. In fact, you are inspiring me to go back tomorrow for the first time! I still feel like I have no motivation and am so tired/have no energy, but I know it will be good for me to get out of the house and do something productive again - I love what I do too. I hope that I feel like you do tomorrow! If you enjoy it and are feeling fine, than by all means work as long as you can. Just wanted to add - I am not a teacher but another type of professional in the educational field, so it's a little bit different for me. I don't have to come in a week early, set up my class, etc. Nevertheless, it will definitely be overwhelming on the first day considering I pretty much slept through my first trimester Chat Icon .

Posted 9/4/06 10:26 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

thanks everyone. iteach 6th grade!
Off to workChat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 6:18 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

you are just like me - it kills me not to have a job to go back to this sept....its so hard b/c i hate sitting around (i am untenured!)..enjoy your kids as much as you can.....and soon you will have "another kid!" to add to them to enjoy! take it easy if you need to, but have fun!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 11:32 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: am i nuts for feeling like this.. all opinions welcome especailly other teachers

If people think you're nuts, then people must thin I'm absolutely insane. I'm not a school teacher, but I'm a dance teacher and will be going back to work in two weeks. I'll be 35.5 weeks preggo and I plan on dancing until I pop. I will be having an assistant starting at 37.5 weeks and then she will cover my classes for two weeks after I give birth and then I will return to work.
Now to be honest, I really don't have much of a choice. I own my own dance school and the longer I'm out of work the more $$ I lose. I have to pay someone to be there and teach my classes, so it's a little different than most people's situations.

Posted 9/5/06 11:50 AM

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