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In such a dilema.. Help!

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Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


In such a dilema.. Help!

Message edited 5/2/2007 2:55:48 PM.

Posted 10/28/05 10:21 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

This may not be much help but I am 32 and I have had my first a year a go I would like more children and I hope to start trying again next year after we get married. I will be 33 and hoping that I get pg right away so I will be at least 34 when the baby comes I always wanted 3 but at the rate I am going I don't think I will be heading for a 3rd one. I don't know if Iwould be able to handle it. I would wait till the baby is at least 2 before trying for a third and by that time I would be 36 so who knows if that would happen.

Posted 10/28/05 10:25 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

The pressure I guess is hard for everyone.
Thanks for being the only response as well.
I guess since Im not a regular chatter on here, i sorta got passed by. lol
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Posted 10/28/05 4:37 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

Hey there:

My daughter is 16 months old and as much as I would like to have another child, finances and time management issues are preventing that from happen.

So....unless an "oops" happens, I'll be waiting to review our situation for a few more years. I know it's risky to wait (since I'm 34) but the reality is, we don't have the resources available to adequately support a child.

Posted 10/28/05 4:44 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

We've been discusing the 3rd child - right now our daughter is 9 months old and she's sleeping through the night and we are really enjoying her - part of me really wants another baby but part of me thinks that maybe we should leave well enough alone...we have the one on one thing going for us now, they can't gang up on us Chat Icon and we also have 3 bedrooms in our house so nobody has to share - it's a really difficult decision!! and it makes me a little sad to know that I might not be pregnant again Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/05 5:15 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

Posted by JennChris

We've been discusing the 3rd child - right now our daughter is 9 months old and she's sleeping through the night and we are really enjoying her - part of me really wants another baby but part of me thinks that maybe we should leave well enough alone...we have the one on one thing going for us now, they can't gang up on us Chat Icon and we also have 3 bedrooms in our house so nobody has to share - it's a really difficult decision!! and it makes me a little sad to know that I might not be pregnant again Chat Icon

I feel exactly the same. SO torn about #3Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/05 6:44 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

Posted by IslandGrl

I was wondering if anyone was torn about wanting to have more children..
I have 2 right now,, I just turned 35.
My youngest is going to be 2 years old in Jan.
There is a huge part of me that is saying " you dont have much more good time left"
Part of me is craving having another.. but theres a part of me that just feels to tired to do the whole baby thing again, and unsure.

Why should it be so hard to decide whether you want more kids or not?
My heart is so torn, and I feel SO much pressure with my age.

OMG..I could have written this post almost EXACTLY word for word.!!!!!!!!!

I'm soooooooo torn about baby #3!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/05 6:49 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: In such a dilema.. Help!

I really think that #3 puts you in a totally different league, ya know!?

Posted 10/28/05 6:51 PM

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