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Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

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Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Kevin is 12 days old and it seems no matter how hard we try to get some good burps from him he still spits up at almost every feeding. This morning it seemed like he spit up his whole bottle. Is the normal?

He also has been falling asleep during his feedings. He'll take an ounce and then fall asleep and then will wake up and take some more. He's taking between 1 1/2 - 3 ounces at a time with between 1 1/2 to 3 hours in between each feeding.

He's gained back his birth weight and wakes up on his own for feedings and diaper changes.

I think I'm just being a paranoid new parent.

Posted 7/12/05 8:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Just relax!!! Babies spit up and fall asleep a lot. as long as he is gaining weight and waking up to feed every few hours he's fine!!

Posted 7/12/05 8:19 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

My daughter used to fall asleep alot during feedings too. the dr suggested that when she feel asleep and stopped feeding to change her diaper to perk her up and get her going again. It seemed to work and she finished the bottle. she took 3 ounces every three hours.

Posted 7/12/05 8:53 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

It sounds normal to me. If you are worried that the spitting up is acid reflux, I was told to smell the spit up. If it smells like the formula or breast milk it's just spit up. If it smells like stomach acid it's acid reflux.

Posted 7/12/05 8:55 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Your little guy sounds like he is doing perfectly!!!

Posted 7/12/05 9:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Totally normal! I was worried about this with Logan and the doctor said some days he may spit up after every feeding... thats just what babies do.

ETA - by the way he is adorable!!!

Message edited 7/12/2005 10:38:35 PM.

Posted 7/12/05 10:38 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Weight gain is most important but keep an eye on the amount of spit up, that is key, is it "spit-up" or "vomiting"?. Try to catch it in your hand it will give you an idea if it is a significant amount or trivial. My daughter had reflux and vomited a few times per week, but it was BUCKETFULS!! Be careful, that acid in their tummy can really disturb their GI system.- if it is indeed reflux he will need to see a doc.

p.s- I agree with everyone else, he a CUTIE!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/12/2005 10:46:53 PM.

Posted 7/12/05 10:46 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Thanks for the advice. We go back to the doctor on Monday for a weight recheck so hopefully he's put on an ounce or two.

Posted 7/13/05 6:29 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

Andrew always fell asleep during feedings in his first few months. So he'd only get a small amount (I was BF) and he'd wake up crying and want to eat again. I was worried he was never getting enough, but he doubled his birth weight by 8 weeks.

And he still spits up a lot off and on. My ped says that as long as his appetite is normal not to worry.

Posted 7/13/05 10:58 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyones newborn spit up a lot or fall asleep during a feeding?

my daughter always fell asleep drinking and would sleep for a whiule and would sleep for 3 to 4 hours in between I was paranoid that shw wasn't eating enough but she was content and she gained the weight with the spitting up that is normal all babies spit up even if they do burp.

Posted 7/14/05 2:40 PM

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