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12 week visit update

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

774 total posts


12 week visit update

We just got back from the 12 week visit and let me how how disappointed I am. No new pic of our bean, no on-screeen sono and to top it all off, I gained 5LBS FROM LAST VISIT!!!
Maybe becasue our visit was in the evening but it seemed rushed. the dr. heard a strong heartbeat but no on-screen sono and then I said "no picture?" and she said we don;t do them at this visit. All I kept hearing from poeple is "you'll see so much progress form 8 week to 12 week". And all we got was a 2 second heartbeat test - strong again but I wanted a minute or two to enjoy it. and then she said "there isn't a picture until 20 weeks" WHAT?!! I Can't wait that long and neither can the grandparents. Does anyone else's place only take pics every few months or so. it stinks.
and then the weigth gain!! I freaked! how can it be that I'm eating fruits and veggies constantly, pasta only once a week, working out at the gym like 3-4 times a week, walking, etc, still in my regular jeans and clothes and GAINED 5LBS in a month?!!!!
I'm sorry, did we just enter an alternative universe?!!

Posted 3/14/06 8:47 PM
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Re: 12 week visit update

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I had my 1st sono (w/ a pic) a 8 weeks.... and did not have another til 20 weeks....

Your apts. from now on, will generally be:
go in, pee in a cup, listen to the babys heartbeat and go home.... real quick (trust me...when you are getting a internal weekly, you'll be missing these days Chat Icon )

I understand why your disappointed.. BUT just think of the progress from 8 weeks- to 20 Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/06 8:50 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: 12 week visit update

I didn't have a 6 week sonogram. The doctor did my first at 11 weeks and then another at 20 weeks. I have my next one at 36 weeks. I did have another one in the middle, but that was when I fell and the doctor wanted to make sure the baby was OK.

Posted 3/14/06 10:25 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: 12 week visit update

I feel your disappointment. I felt the same exact way at my 12 week exam. Everything from being rushed, to just getting a few seconds of the heartbeat. Even the weight gain.

I have my 2nd picture on Friday and I can't wait. It's been to long!!!

And like previously said, there is going to be a huge difference!!

Posted 3/15/06 6:38 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

774 total posts


Re: 12 week visit update

Thanks girls :)

Yeah, it was just a disappointment but the bright side, the heartbeat was strong.

and now it really forces me to eat much better and walk alot.

Posted 3/15/06 8:57 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: 12 week visit update

I did have a 12 week sono (and a 9 week) but I know some doctors don't do it. I was a little disaapointed that the pcis weren't that clear...if it makes you feel any better Chat Icon for your weight gain, don't worry - it sounds as though you are doing everythying right - but your bean has to grow and the 5 lbs is your bean, not of best friends told me its most importnat to listernto your body now - if you are hungry eat, if you want something - have a little - its not for you but for your bean!! big Chat Icon s and can't wait to see pics at 20'll be so worth it!!!

Posted 3/15/06 9:31 AM

my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


Re: 12 week visit update

My doctor only does the picture sonogram at 10 weeks and 20 weeks. That's it, just twice.

Posted 3/15/06 2:08 PM

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