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CD3 Blood Work

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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


CD3 Blood Work

Manana I go in for my CD3 blood work and ultrasound. If everything looks OK and my FSH hasn't gotten even higher, I think we will try assisted IUI this cycle. This will be my first experience with the meds.

Question is...we were planning to go to DC over the weekend, Fri-Monday. Is that unrealistic? Will the Dr. want to do ultrasounds every other day now if I start the meds?? And if I don't use the meds and we do natural IUI (depending on blood results I guess), will I still need to have an u/s every other day? Does anyone know? I feel like my brain is so fried.....

Posted 2/15/06 11:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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8135 total posts


Re: CD3 Blood Work

You should be ok to go away. In my experience, after CD3 bloodwork, I didn't have to start going for ultrasounds every other day until about day that should clear you for the weekend. Good luck!

Posted 2/16/06 6:36 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: CD3 Blood Work

I was going to say the same thing. Except Kara, make sure you ask to come in earlier than cd10, more like cd8, since you have ovulated earlier....

Posted 2/16/06 6:41 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: CD3 Blood Work

I never did injectables wth IUI, but yes with Clomid it was cd3 and then cd10 so you should be able to enjoy your weekend.

Posted 2/16/06 8:02 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: CD3 Blood Work

Thanks ladies -- duh I forgot to ask the Dr. this morning!! I think we have decided to put DC on the back burner anyway because yes I have ovulated as early as day 7.

Also....when he did the u/s he saw something on the left side - possibly a cyst, or a blockage, but he says he never noticed it before. So I have to have an HSG on Tuesday (lol, I will NOT ask what it is like!). I will follow everyone's advice about taking something beforehand so as to prevent any pain. I never get cramps from AF, nothing, so I am going to plan on not getting cramps from this. After back surgery, everything else seems like a pice of cake!

Posted 2/16/06 9:42 AM

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