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How did you tell your husband you were prego?

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

127 total posts


How did you tell your husband you were prego?

I'm hoping to have some news Saturday morning and was wondering how you broke the news.

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Posted 8/17/06 7:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband you were prego?

for me it was easter sunday, I got back from AC that morning with my dad. I said heck let me take a test since I was feeling strange all weekend and poof it said pregnant! Well I couldnt keep it in, I woke my husband up and said honey put your glasses on - what does this say- the smile he had from ear to ear was priceless and he was so happy. He said it was a great way to wake up!!! then of course when we went to our families homes to visit big mouth couldnt contain himself!!!!! It was so great to see him the proud papa to be telling everyone!

I didnt have this great plan, we were TTC for almost a year so when I finally got my BFP I had to tell him right away!!!!

Good luck !!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 10:04 AM

Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05

3830 total posts

Thia (Cynthia)

Re: How did you tell your husband you were prego?

Posted by girlygrl33

for me it was easter sunday, I got back from AC that morning with my dad. I said heck let me take a test since I was feeling strange all weekend and poof it said pregnant! Well I couldnt keep it in, I woke my husband up and said honey put your glasses on - what does this say- the smile he had from ear to ear was priceless and he was so happy. He said it was a great way to wake up!!! then of course when we went to our families homes to visit big mouth couldnt contain himself!!!!! It was so great to see him the proud papa to be telling everyone!

I didnt have this great plan, we were TTC for almost a year so when I finally got my BFP I had to tell him right away!!!!

Good luck !!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's really cute how you did that.

Posted 8/17/06 6:35 PM

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