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happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
work pet peeves
these are always fun.
here is mine, kind of lame, but it annoys me. today my boss called in, she was on vaca, and asked about another manager, who was in a meeting, out of the office. so i ask a co-worker, who works in the dept this manager works in when he is coming back. she tells me so i tell my boss and that is that. so the manager comes back from the meeting and my co-worker tells him that so and so called looking for him!! uggh!!! did she call you and you took the message?? i hate that.
anyone else
Posted 7/18/06 4:45 PM |
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Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: work pet peeves
i don't think this space is large enough to list my work pet peeves but i will list my top 5:
1) one of my coworkers does not bathe...that is not a judgement its the g-d's honest truth
2) the same coworker likes to chain smoke all day...yes we can smoke in our office
3) my coworkers think watching springer is in their job descriptions
4) one of my coworkers believes he is my boss...WRONG
5) i have the same problem as BNL
Posted 7/18/06 5:11 PM |
Re: work pet peeves
When co-workers throw temper tantrums and no one says anything and I bite my tongue and its the same treatment.
And when the "new guy" talks like a know it all and is 100% wrong.
Posted 7/18/06 5:16 PM |

Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Re: work pet peeves
when people speak on speakerphone - im on a trading floor- just like you! pick up the damn receiver so i dont hear your stupid asss conversation that is distracting me
when i make a plate of food from the kitchen and people think its a big plate of food so they will say "hungry?"stop being a food nazi and worry about your own food consumption intead of being obsessed with mine!
when people look at my screen
when the last cup of coffee is gone but no one bothers to make a new pot!!!! this is not your mommys house! there is no maid here- make a new pot like an adult!
when people act like they are in charge of attendance! wheres melissa? where john? why are they late? mind your own business and worry about your own tardiness. stop playing manager
Posted 7/18/06 5:33 PM |

Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Re: work pet peeves
Posted by EmilyAKAMrsK
4) one of my coworkers believes he is my boss...WRONG
LOL - i can hear you saying that!
Posted 7/18/06 5:34 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: work pet peeves
when they make you sit in the dark all day to conserve energy in a heat wave! i have a splitting head ache from trying to read by the light of my screens!
Posted 7/18/06 8:08 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: work pet peeves
my cube mate
Posted 7/18/06 8:14 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: work pet peeves
When one administrator tells us one thing while another tells us something else!!!!!
Posted 7/18/06 8:20 PM |