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Don't drink the water!!

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

188 total posts


Don't drink the water!!

My FH has forbidden me from drinking the water at my job. ( At least for a few more years.)

See...I work at a day care so it's not unusual to find out that one or two of my parents are pregnant, but over the last month, 4 parents have told me they are pregnant and 1 is TTC. On top of that 1 of my co-worker is TTC and today my boss who just got married last May and who wasn't trying told everyone that she's 4 months pregnant! Last year there were 3 pregnant parents and 4 pregnant co-workers. That's including myself. That's 14 new babies, in less than 2 years. Is that a baby boom or what?

It's almost scary. But I heard it was good luck. Guess I'll be sticking to bottled water for a while.

Posted 3/24/06 7:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Secret Agent

Member since 8/06

1087 total posts


Re: Don't drink the water!!

so, exactly what's wrong with the water...?

Posted 3/25/06 2:32 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

188 total posts


Re: Don't drink the water!!

It was a joke, as in all these women are getting pregnant because there is something in the water.Chat Icon Maybe it was a bad joke, but I thought it was funny.

Message edited 3/25/2006 11:12:58 AM.

Posted 3/25/06 11:07 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Don't drink the water!!

I got it Chat Icon My mom used to tell me not to sit in anyone's seat. So, I must have took my friend's seat at some point (which, the funny thing is I did sit in her seat earlier this year)Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/06 11:17 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Don't drink the water!!

the same thing happened with our offic elast year - at the time i was leaving dh joked i couldn't get out with enough time....and here we are a yr later and well, jokes on us now!!

Posted 3/25/06 1:28 PM

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