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Family History

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Family History

Do any of you have a family history of infertility?

As for me, my mother didn't have any problems but she did later get fibroids after her pregnancies.

I have a maternal aunt who had 1 mc and never conceived again. She doesn't really talk about it. So, unsure if she truly had difficulty.

I also have a maternal great-aunt who doesn't have children and I don't know if it was by choice.

I cannot help but imagine if I am going to be just like them. Chat Icon I see them and it is almost like they are missing something from their life. Chat Icon

Both my parents come from large families (6) and (8). Yet, I cannot have one child.

So although, I come from a large family......I guess infertility does run in my family.Chat Icon

Message edited 10/6/2006 9:04:36 AM.

Posted 6/2/06 12:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Family History

DH and I are both the youngest of 6 kids..... so no, no IF issues there!!

Posted 6/2/06 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Family History


My mom... took her 5 years in her twenties to get pregnant with me... definitely PCOS but there really was no western medical treatment for it back then. After that her system was normal, no miscarriages.

My aunt M... not biologically related. Not able to have children. Private adoption, one daughter two sons.
In my Aunt M's Family (not biologically related) it runs rampant... her cousin (no kids, no adoptions), her niece (married young took 13 years to get pregnant with one daughter, only child)

Another aunt M... they adopted their first child from Ireland around 1960?. After they adopted she went on to have 4 more biological children.

My cousin M (another aunt's daughter, aunt J). Lots of trouble getting pregnant, started adoption process was getting a physical to clear her adoption from China, found out she was pregnant, canceled the adoption only to have a late miscarriage (5th or 6th month). Her biological baby 's due date was the first birthday of the baby she was supposed to adopt... how freaky is that? She went on to adopt two boys from Korea. This was about ten years ago.

My father is one of four boys and my mom only had a brother. We have a very male dominated extended family but a big family. I only have one biologically related female relative, cousin M and she was unable to have childrenChat Icon My other female (adopted cousin) is single and she adopted from Guatemala. She researched into getting inseminated but she has diabetes and her doctor said a pregnancy could kill her.Chat Icon

All of the women who married my male cousins are as fertile as rabbits... one has EIGHT childrenChat Icon

I am determined to be the success story. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's why I think there is a biological/ethnic/genetic component to my infertility.

Posted 6/2/06 12:48 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: Family History

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I am determined to be the success story. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's why I think there is a biological/ethnic/genetic component to my infertility.

Wowza! You will be the success story!! I just feel that in terms of state of the art technology, reproductive endocrinology and immune issue studies, we have more of a shot than any other generations.

Message edited 10/6/2006 9:05:01 AM.

Posted 6/2/06 1:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Family History

My Aunt was told at 18 that she could never have a child because of endometrois..that was over 30 years agoChat Icon She did not use birth control and never got pregnant either.

My sister now has endo and we both believe it MUST be part of genetics somehow.

Posted 6/2/06 3:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Family History

With me having PCOS and my sister having a bunch of different fertility problems, we've kind of looked back and realized that it must come from my maternal grandmother's side of the family. My mom had no problems getting pregnant with us, but my grandmother had a bunch of problems, her neice had numerous m/c's before getting preggers at 40. My Grams cousin was never able to have children and her other cousin's 2 children were told they would never have children, but they both ended up having 1 child each. They were definitely nice surprises. My dad's side seems to not have any issues. Why couldn't I take after that side of the family.Chat Icon Three of my cousins just gave birth within the last 2 weeks. As much as I'm happy for them, it's also disheartening. I just make sure I keep having hope and know that it will happen when the time is right.

Posted 6/2/06 4:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Family History

Well, I am one of 39 grandchildren (Irish/Catholic, we mulitple like Gremlins!) I think I can safely say that I'm the first with problems, at least that we know of right now. I feel alone in my struggle because half my relatives keep getting "accidentally" pregnant. I can't relate to them being so fertile, and they probably think it's weird that I can't have a baby. My worst fear is that they feel bad for me, I don't want to be pitied.Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/06 7:49 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Family History

Posted by Jillybean28

I don't want to be pitied.Chat Icon

Gosh, I hate that! I hate that people act differently around you. I guess it is an uncomfortable situation all around....but I still hate that! This happened at my inlaws (gathering of friends) and the group became quiet when I sat down but I heard part of the conversation. The conversation was about women having difficulty TTC and that this "Jane" should get tested or else......and i sat down and said......"or else, they end up like me"

Posted 6/2/06 7:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1018 total posts


Re: Family History

Oh, bless your heart Chat Icon I have learned through this experience to never under estimate the frequency of "foot-in-mouth" syndrome, family members seem to be inflicted the most! Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/06 8:15 PM

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