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People who have reflux - HELP

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Member since 6/05

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People who have reflux - HELP

sorry for the TMI but i think im having a severe reflux attack. i have been throwing up since 9am and nothing will take away the sharp pains and horrible burning at the top of my stomach. i also pulled a muscle in my back vomiting so im in excruitaing pain but am afraid to take pain killers in case they aggravate my stomach further. does anyone have any remedies that help them? ive tried pepto, tums, nexium, gas-x - nothing is helping Chat Icon at this point maybe i should go to the ER but i dont know what they'll do to help me.

Posted 3/19/06 8:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

4230 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

Dale has severe acid reflux. It turns out his hernia was pushing up his stonach which was causing the acid reflux. He has been on Nexium since then and has felt 100% better

Posted 3/19/06 8:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1647 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

I used to have problems with this, but not as severe. Nexium also helped me. I was only on it for about 3 or 4 months.

Posted 3/19/06 8:46 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

OMG that sounds scary! I would go to ER ASAP! Keep us posted, hope all is ok!

Posted 3/19/06 10:18 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

if you lay down at all... make sure you use a few pillows to keep yourself elevated. hope you feel better soon!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/19/06 10:20 PM

Better than the news!

Member since 2/06

2840 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

I know the ER gives Pepcid through IV if it is so bad. Maybe you should go, they can give you IV fluids to hydrate you and help you feel better. Chat Icon

Have you drank milk?

Posted 3/19/06 10:26 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

I have had really bad spells of acid reflux- on different medicines, etc.. but nothing like that.
If you've been throwing up since 9 am you should go to the hospital- that isn't good- all that acid from your stomach isn't good in your throat.

Posted 3/19/06 11:01 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

I have a history of bad acid refux...after doing an endoscopy, the doctor saw that I didnt have a valve on my stomach. I couldnt eat and I had to have surgery. You should really go to the doctor. I take Protonix but it is by prescription only. If you need a recommendation for a gastrointerologist, FM me! Feel Better! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 8:39 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

I also took protonix and it has helped me a lot... I have been medicine free for about 3 years now, but it takes a lot of work... you have to observe and see what foods make you sick and just stop eating them... for me I had to stop eating chocolate, anything fried, ketchup, oranges and stop drinking sodas...

Posted 3/20/06 10:07 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

Posted by Aga

I also took protonix and it has helped me a lot... I have been medicine free for about 3 years now, but it takes a lot of work... you have to observe and see what foods make you sick and just stop eating them... for me I had to stop eating chocolate, anything fried, ketchup, oranges and stop drinking sodas...

I was on protonix as well.
I was on it for about 1 1/2 years and am also now medicine free.
i had an endoscopy as well- hiatal hernias (sp) run in our family- it sort of stinks.

Posted 3/20/06 10:31 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: People who have reflux - HELP

Thanks everyone for the hugs. That was probably the worst pain ive ever felt. I did go to the ER and though i was there until 4am they never really figured out what was wrong. i still think my hietal hernia must have just gotten worse. they gave me percoset which helped me get more comfortable but finally let me go so that i could go see my gastro today. i'm going there now. i feel a little better today but hopefully he'll be able to put me on something else to help this Chat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 12:31 PM

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