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Question about IUI's

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Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Question about IUI's

Morning Ladies:

I have been a serious lurker on this board, and I hope you guys mean it when you say that there are no stupid questions to here goes one:

What exactly is an IUI??? I've heard and think I understand IVF, but not IUI's. And why would you have this done as opposed to an IVF?

We've been trying for almost 6 months, and since I'm over 35 the dr wants to see me next month for the work up to check if all is well, and I was wondering if she will bring this up to me.


Posted 6/27/06 10:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Question about IUI's

Here you go

"Intrauterine insemination or IUI is a basic step towards fertility treatments. It is also called artificial insemination. This fertility treatment can be done using your husband or partner's sperm or sperm from a donor.

An intruterine insemination is a very low tech form of fertility treatment. It is generally used in two ways: natural and with ovulation induction."

They basically wash the sperm then insert it directly in to your uterus, bypassing the cervix.

Message edited 6/27/2006 10:33:31 AM.

Posted 6/27/06 10:32 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

413 total posts


Re: Question about IUI's

ur absolutely correct, no questions are stupid:

Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine Insemination is often an important part of treatment for couples that are infertile due to sperm disorders. IUI involves injecting sperm through a narrow catheter into the wife's reproductive tract. For most couples, artificial insemination is performed with the husband's sperm. Depending on the husband's sperm count and motility, the wife's cervical mucus quality at the fertile time of her cycle and the estimated time to egg release from the ovarian follicle, a well timed IUI can be very effective. In a laboratory, the sperm can be separated from the seminal fluid and resuspended in a very small volume of sterile medium that will keep the sperm alive and actively mobile. Often, preparation involves a "swim-up" procedure, in which only the fastest swimmers are selected for insemination. The insemination is performed by passing a sterile catheter through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity and then injecting the sperm suspension into the uterine cavity. Usually the insemination itself causes little if any discomfort.

hope this helps.

Posted 6/27/06 10:32 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Question about IUI's

IUI is much less expensive than IVF, which is why many insurance companies that even cover IF require a certain number of tries with IUI first. IUI can cost I believe about 2-3K. An IVF costs about 12K. However -- IVF has higher success rates but it is much more agressive and invasive. Which you chose will be determined by your insurance coverage, and your own situation. Some people respond well to IUIs, others - for example when there is male factor, or if your tubes are blocked, or you have elevated FSH - have better chances of success with IVF.

Talk it over with your RE, and also be sure to determine what your insurance will or will not (as in my case Chat Icon ) cover.

Do you know why you have IF issues??

Posted 6/27/06 11:37 AM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Re: Question about IUI's

We won't know anything yet until we go for testing. My gyn says that if things don't happen "naturally" this month, then she will start with getting a SA for DH, then will take it from there.

Posted 6/27/06 1:12 PM

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