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Toddler sleeping issues...

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Toddler sleeping issues...

I'm lucky if I can get Caiden in bed and sleeping by 9:30pm. He doesn't sleep through the night either. He did for a short time, but when he hit 2 he wakes up crying for me 1-2 times a night.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get him to sleep a little earlier and sleep through the night? He has never been a great sleeper. He didn't sleep through the night ever until he was 8 months old!

The only thing is that I'd like for him to go to bed earlier but I work FT and he's in daycare so we don't get home any earlier than 5:30-6:00pm and that's if we don't go to the store. It's hard to put him down early because we're just getting home and I don't get to see him all day.

He moves soooo much while he sleeps. He has a twin race car bed and has found ways to end up on the floor. I know he's been dreaming a lot lately because he talks in his sleep a lot.

What can I do help him go down a little earlier, and sleep through the night? Mommy is sooo tired! Thanks!

Posted 4/18/06 11:04 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Toddler sleeping issues...

I totally understand what your going through I have the same broblem with my 1 1/2 year old I work full time she is in daycare I get home around 6-6:35 make dinner we eat together and then bath time play a little read a book and then before you know it its 9pm and I put her to bed I have to lay with her but she does fall asleep around 9:30 as well and lately sshe has been waking up around 3am but I do get her to go back to sleep I give her a pacifier and lay with her again and she will fall asleep in a few mintue then she will be up again around 5 or 6 but she either comes into my room or calls for me to come and get her she wants to come into my bed and then I give in cuz I still have time to sleep before I have to get up for work. I have been told its a phase they go through I hope it goes a way quick for both our sakes

Posted 4/18/06 11:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Toddler sleeping issues...

I know how you both feel! My son was a great sleeper as a baby. He would fall asleep around 8pm and sleep until 7 in the morning without a sound. But when he got to be a little over 1 it went downhill! He is now two and wants to sleep in my bed or for me to lie with him. His entire bed time routine got all screwed up along the way. I work from home, but try to do a lot of work at night so that I can spend my day with him. But lately he doesn't fall alseep till 9 or 10 and by the time he does fall asleep I am exhausted from the battle. He wants to watch a movie before bed, he wants juice, he wants to get out of bed a thousand times, etc. before he actually falls asleep. It is such a struggle. And then he usually wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night and comes into my room. Sometimes I wish I could put his crib back together. I just hope this is a toddler phase that will end soon!

Posted 4/18/06 8:47 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Toddler sleeping issues...

no advice here. Ryan is still up. Thankfully he sleeps thorugh the night and will sleep till about 9:30.

Posted 4/18/06 10:44 PM

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