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IUI tommorow

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Member since 5/05

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IUI tommorow

How bad is it that I dont even know what # we are up to. I think its either #6 or #7....

I saw the Dr just now, I was still having pain from the HSG...She gave me an antibiotic and some blood and said it looks like I have a "minor" infection , but the tip of my uterus and right Tube was swollen and sore??? She didnt explain much but said it should go down and to take it easy today and the rest of the weekend to reduce swelling...she thinks its because the clomid made many "little follies" and she said it was REAL crowded in there Chat Icon

One 23mm follie, one at like 17mm and 5-6 at around 12 mm Chat Icon and some less then 10mm all in the right ovary ( I have a lazy left ovary and have yet to O from it in 9 months!)

SO we decided IUI tommorow and then an HCG shot after and another IUI on Monday.

Different protocol then Im used to, but who cares, just praying this is the last one

Message edited 2/10/2006 6:06:31 PM.

Posted 2/10/06 5:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: IUI tommorow


Best of Luck tomorrow. I think their change of protocal is interesting... looks like they really want to make sure they catch that egg.

Baby DustChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 5:23 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: IUI tommorow

Wow --- you will being doing the cowboy walk!! J/K!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good luck, I am Chat Icon this is it Donna!! Sounds like you are on the way to a BFP!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 5:29 PM


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Re: IUI tommorow

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Posted 2/10/06 7:01 PM

Best Friends

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Re: IUI tommorow

Donna, that is awesome. You must be so excited!!! I hope this is it for you. It sounds like Dr. Chu is on top of things!!!!!!

Posted 2/10/06 7:47 PM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: IUI tommorow

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Donna ! I am praying this is it for you! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 7:48 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: IUI tommorow

Good luck Donna!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 8:16 PM

We like hanging together!

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Mommy to twins

Re: IUI tommorow

Donna lots of luck, let us know how everything goes

Posted 2/11/06 12:11 AM

Foxy Lady

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Re: IUI tommorow

Wishing you all the best.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 7:32 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: IUI tommorow

I am so sorry you have that infection in your tube and uterus. I hope it clears quickly.

Good luck with the IUI, you have two great follies !!!!! Baby Dust.

Posted 2/11/06 8:44 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: IUI tommorow

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Posted 2/11/06 9:31 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: IUI tommorow

Good Luck!!!

Sending you LOTS of baby dust!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 10:50 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: IUI tommorow

Donna how did it go today? I am curious what the actual IUI experience at NSUH is? I bet you were not there for 2 hoursChat Icon

I so hope this is it for you!!

Posted 2/11/06 11:34 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: IUI tommorow

Posted by rose825

Donna how did it go today? I am curious what the actual IUI experience at NSUH is? I bet you were not there for 2 hoursChat Icon

I so hope this is it for you!!

It was "different" I will tell ya that much. The drop off on the weekends is 8 am for EVERYONE. And the andrology lab consiste of a tiny room that fits 2 people and then two side rooms for "doing the deed " for the men. Well there was about 10-14 people there in LINE...lucikly we got there early. Dh said it was weird in the room because he could hear everyone talking and stuff because it was so close, so he had some trouble..LOL

But he had a 25.3 mil washed ocunt, so thats enough for me!

Then they tell you to come back at 10:15 for IUI.

We went to IHOP for breakfest, come back and they call you back into the lab to "pick up" your sample...BUT what was good was they explain the results of the mini SA to you which was nice. Then they call like 4-5 in at a time, and we didnt wait long at all.

Dr chu is great. DH thought she was like 19 years old though, but he really liked how she described everything. AND SHE DID A SONO right after the IuI to see where we were, and described how the follie's start to look when they are getting ready to burst.

They we waited, she gave us the RX and off we went.

All and all, even though the lab experience was kinda strange, it was quiet and organized and 250% better then any experience we ever had at RSONY.........

Posted 2/11/06 1:34 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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Re: IUI tommorow

sounds like everything went great. Good Luck and sticky vibes.....

Posted 2/11/06 2:03 PM

Best Friends

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Re: IUI tommorow

thats great. I always wondered why they never did a sono to check things out. I am so mad at myself that I didnt switch sooner. BUt hey whats done is done and we are being taken care of right now.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 4:57 PM

Come on in

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Re: IUI tommorow

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Posted 2/11/06 9:22 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: IUI tommorow

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Posted 2/12/06 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: IUI tommorow

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Posted 2/12/06 4:33 PM

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