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Flat head...

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Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Flat head...

I'm worried about Jacob's head. It's kind of flat in the back and i am trying so hard to keep him off it during the day.. (mind u he hates tummy time) so i've been trying to "wear him" in the snugli carrier alot too. But it still looks bad to me. i mean there are times when i have to put him down say in the bouncer or the swing, and then of course he sleeps on it for 9-10 hrs at night. Should i put him on his side to sleep? They say babies with AR have a higher instance for SIDS so thats why i hesitate with that. I"m also noticing the sides above his ears are doing this weird "bulge" thing. And when he was born he had that cone shape from the birth canal and i dont think it really rounded itself out. I also notice he favors looking to the left. When i go on the right of him and make noise and call his name, his arms and legs start flailing so i know he hears me but he just wont LOOK in my direction. I told my ped last visit and he examined him and said "hes fine".

I'm ready to call a Pediatric neurologist. Anyone have any experience with this or advice?
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Posted 3/15/06 11:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Flat head...

Just wanted to tell you I saw him- he looks good to me!

But I am no doctor, I would call your ped and explain your concerns again.

As far as side sleeping- we have Katie on her side, it seems to help her reflux a lot. When we had her on her back she would choke in her spit up, now it just kind of falls out and doesn't really wake her.

Posted 3/15/06 11:58 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Flat head...

Do you know any pediatric chiropractors? Our friend's son was born with something similar - and our other friend adjusted him to solve the problem. I'll call her after I'm done with this con call I'm on right nowChat Icon and find out what it was called & what to do about it.

Posted 3/15/06 11:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Flat head...

Jack used to favor his right side and he had a flat area on the back side of his head. My ped told me that several times a day I should gently turn his head and hold it to the left side for .5 minute. He said that doing this will help his left side muscles develop and in turn he will use that side too.

It worked, Jack is 3.5 months and while he does like his right side, he now uses left side too. His flat side head got so much better.

Message edited 3/15/2006 12:01:32 PM.

Posted 3/15/06 12:01 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Flat head...

Posted by nrthshgrl

Do you know any pediatric chiropractors? Our friend's son was born with something similar - and our other friend adjusted him to solve the problem. I'll call her after I'm done with this con call I'm on right nowChat Icon and find out what it was called & what to do about it.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 12:01 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Flat head...

I had this problem with marissa as well she had flat head and always faced the left my ped. told me to stay on her right and do everything on her right and turn her head to the right as well. Also when she is sleeping turn her head to the side so the back of the head can round itself out and it worked I always alternated which side I would face her. Hope this helps even though I am not a dr. Also I would call your ped. again and voice your concerns

Posted 3/15/06 1:00 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Flat head...

What percentile is his head? My son had a very big head which made tummy time hard for him. He also had torticollis (weak neck muscle). As a result, he had flattening of the head, which I noticed in his 4th & 5th months. We did see a Pediatric Neurologist and ultimately went for some physical therapy as well. He was fine after that so it's not a bad idea IMO to go to a Ped Neurologist. He also had that bulging you mentioned. Once he was sitting on his own, combined with the therapy made a big difference. If you want more info or advice, let me know, I'd be glad to share more of my experience and the doctors we saw (@ Schneiders)

Posted 3/15/06 1:30 PM

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