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How many weeks were you...

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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


How many weeks were you...

When an "outsider" noticed that you were pregnant?

Today, I got my first "oh, you're expecting" I'm only 9 weeks...I guess things start moving much more quickly the 2nd time around!!!!!!!

Posted 10/2/06 8:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: How many weeks were you...

This is my first. One of my students noticed when I was about 12 weeks. He was really cute the way he asked too- "No disrespect, miss, but are you pregnant?" Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/06 8:39 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

One of my kindergartners pointed out that I was gaining weight when I was about 10-11 weeks preggo- but in fairness to myself, I'm a dance teacher and I wear tight fitting clothes, so it's kind of tough to hide things. I think stranger started noticing/commenting around 20 weeks or so.

Posted 10/2/06 10:40 PM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

I am 21 weeks and a security guard at work just asked if I had something growingChat Icon
I guess I just look a little fat right now.

Posted 10/2/06 10:44 PM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

i was about 10 weeks when close friends and family started noticing that i was gaining wait - i ended up telling everyone around that time b/c i didnt want to lie!

Message edited 10/2/2006 10:47:26 PM.

Posted 10/2/06 10:46 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

about 19 weeks someone I work with said, you must be pregnant, I know you would never let yourself goChat Icon

Posted 10/2/06 11:05 PM

Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

Member since 5/06

1155 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

Over the last 2 weeks I have started getting more people noticing in stores and yesterday at my Family Doctor the nurse noticed as soon as she saw me (and I was sitting down with my pocketbook on my lap so I didn't expect her too!) I am 13 weeks I guess about 11 weeks I started getting some pregnant attention from strangers.

Posted 10/3/06 8:09 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

Last week someone asked - I'm only 8 weeks!!

But it's definitely noticable that my body is changing. I've always had a flat stomach and small chest and both are busting out.

I assume people are either thinking I got a boob job or that we may be expecting. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 8:12 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

it wasnt until 25 weeks that people really started to notice

Posted 10/3/06 8:50 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

I was around 25 weeks that when I popped

Posted 10/3/06 9:02 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

My first pregnancy - 13 weeks. This one - I'm 9 weeks, and I have a belly and boobs, but no one has said anything.

Posted 10/3/06 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

I hid it really well for quite a long time.. in fact I didn't tell work I was preggo until about 18 weeks, and even then noone really suspected

Most people really didn't approach me or ask (or could tell I was preggo) until about 20 wks, depending on what I wore also..

My boobs immediately got big, but the belly was pretty tiny for a looong time (boy did I make up for it though Chat Icon)

Posted 10/3/06 11:49 AM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

Around 24 weeks. It also would depend on what I wore. I'd get more looks if I wore a regular shirt, but maternity shirts hid my belly pretty well at that stage.

Posted 10/3/06 12:05 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

I was 19 weeks. It was at the airport and the TSA lady asked me if I was pg, then told me that I could be screened rather than go through the x-ray. I was so excited that someone noticed. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 12:07 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: How many weeks were you...

12-15 weeks when people had a look on their face and people who knew me could definately tell.

Since about 22 weeks, people don't hesitate to ask. I still put on a face and say "no, I'm just eating a lot, this year has been really tough on me." Chat Icon Then I crack up after 5 seconds of uncomfortable silence.

Posted 10/3/06 4:02 PM

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