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BTDT Moms...What type of clothes will I need after the baby?

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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


BTDT Moms...What type of clothes will I need after the baby?

I plan on nursing so I know I'm going to need some things. What are the items that are must haves that I should get now?


Posted 6/9/06 9:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms...What type of clothes will I need after the baby?

I would suggest if you are planning on Nursing the Must Have item you should Buy now if you have not already is Nursing Bras
I bought them while I was pregnant and wore them then and now while I am nursing.

I would not buy anything else till after the baby is born.
Mainly because you don't know your size yet, and well I found all the nursing tops I bought I only used in the beginning and are not really good quality after a few wears and washing, they looked like I had them for years.

So wait till after the baby is born and I am sure you will want to get out of the house and do some shopping.

Another thing I did was buy big mens tank-top (undershirts) (wife beaters as some will call them) and wore them under my clothes, specially for the colder months,
this way when I was nursing in public my belly wasnt exposed.
The armpit are big enough wo you can use that for nursing, and leave your belly cover with the top.

Best of Luck!

Posted 6/9/06 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms...What type of clothes will I need after the baby?

I totally agree! Nursing bras are the only must right now!

Try to get ones without the underwire. Because my boobs got so big, the underwire gave me some plugged ducts.

i also bought a lounge bra, so comfy from, to wear at night and during the day for support.

I am still wearing my maternity clothes cause I don't fit into any of my pre pg pants. I recommend tops that are easily pulled up instead of unbuttoned. At least that's what I find most comfortable.

Posted 6/9/06 1:40 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms...What type of clothes will I need after the baby?

Thank you ladies...This is exactly what I needed to know.

Posted 6/9/06 4:38 PM

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