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Dear Boss

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Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Dear Boss

Dear Boss,

Don't bother me today .. you come and go as you please .. and the all of a sudden everything is an emergency ...and you needed it yesterday ... maybe you should have planned your time a little better

Disgruntled worker

Posted 11/21/05 9:30 AM
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Re: Dear Boss

awwwwwwwwwwww lee
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Posted 11/21/05 9:32 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Dear Boss

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sounds like a guy at my office.

Posted 11/21/05 9:32 AM


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Re: Dear Boss

Posted by baghag

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sounds like a guy at my office.

He i skilling me and it is only 9:35 ...*** !!

Posted 11/21/05 9:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Dear Boss

Posted by Redhead

awwwwwwwwwwww lee
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon thanks

Posted 11/21/05 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by unbelievable

Posted by baghag

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sounds like a guy at my office.

He i skilling me and it is only 9:35 ...*** !!

I noticed that the guy who does this at my office gets frantic and neurotic when he does that- and the best way to get on his nerves is to be calm when he is speaking a mile a minute and the spit is flying in your face. When he sees that his panic is not affecting you, it makes him even more worked up. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 9:38 AM

Merry Christmas!

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It's not the's the journey!

Re: Dear Boss

Posted by baghag

I noticed that the guy who does this at my office gets frantic and neurotic when he does that- and the best way to get on his nerves is to be calm when he is speaking a mile a minute and the spit is flying in your face. When he sees that his panic is not affecting you, it makes him even more worked up. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OH my!! We must have the same boss! He does the same thing!

I also have a coworker like this too...what a PITA!

Posted 11/21/05 11:43 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: Dear Boss

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 12:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Dear Boss

Posted by GenLCSW

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OK so Now I am just PO'd I am so not in a good mood my hit list is gettin longer and longer ... as the time goes by !

Posted 11/21/05 12:11 PM

Momma's Boy ?

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1453 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by unbelievable

Dear Boss,

Don't bother me today .. you come and go as you please .. and the all of a sudden everything is an emergency ...and you needed it yesterday ... maybe you should have planned your time a little better

Disgruntled worker


Posted 11/21/05 12:55 PM

New Year, New Beginnings!

Member since 5/05

2083 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Can I add one?

Dear Boss,
When I leave my desk to go to the bathroom that is NOT an invitation to sit at my desk and make phone calls!!
Chat Icon
Thank you!

Posted 11/21/05 1:56 PM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by ChristineR

Can I add one?

Dear Boss,
When I leave my desk to go to the bathroom that is NOT an invitation to sit at my desk and make phone calls!!
Chat Icon
Thank you!

OR sit and wait for me ! I will be back in a moment .... was I supposed to ask if I could PEE

Posted 11/21/05 2:17 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Dear Boss

Posted by ChristineR

Can I add one?

Dear Boss,
When I leave my desk to go to the bathroom that is NOT an invitation to sit at my desk and make phone calls!!
Chat Icon
Thank you!

Oh yeah can I add a spinn off from here?

Dear Boss:

When I have to get up and go to the bathroom, I am NOT going to ask your permission, no matter how many times you 'mention' this to me!! I'm an adult, I don't need permission and a hall pass to pee!

Going to pee when I feel like it!

Posted 11/21/05 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Dear Boss ..

Not only am I not going to tell you when I have to go but if i decide totell you do not ask
how many times I peed ! IT IS NONE OF YOUR BEES WAX

Signed Peeing up a storm

Posted 11/21/05 2:24 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Dear Boss

Dear Boss -

Get off your high horse!!! I know you got this and that at your "old job" but thats not the way we work here!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 2:26 PM

New Year, New Beginnings!

Member since 5/05

2083 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by ChristineR

Can I add one?

Dear Boss,
When I leave my desk to go to the bathroom that is NOT an invitation to sit at my desk and make phone calls!!
Chat Icon
Thank you!

Oh yeah can I add a spinn off from here?

Dear Boss:

When I have to get up and go to the bathroom, I am NOT going to ask your permission, no matter how many times you 'mention' this to me!! I'm an adult, I don't need permission and a hall pass to pee!

Going to pee when I feel like it!

OMG...AND you're pregnant! Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 2:47 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by ChristineR

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by ChristineR

Can I add one?

Dear Boss,
When I leave my desk to go to the bathroom that is NOT an invitation to sit at my desk and make phone calls!!
Chat Icon
Thank you!

Oh yeah can I add a spinn off from here?

Dear Boss:

When I have to get up and go to the bathroom, I am NOT going to ask your permission, no matter how many times you 'mention' this to me!! I'm an adult, I don't need permission and a hall pass to pee!

Going to pee when I feel like it!

OMG...AND you're pregnant! Chat Icon

Tell me about it! Chat Icon When I get back to my desk he calls me and says "Oh I called you. Did you go somewhere?" and I just say "Yes" - I hate it.

Posted 11/21/05 3:02 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Dear Boss

Dear Boss,

Yes, I notice that you leave the office at 4:00 every day. Yes, I notice that you take approximately 3 hours worth of smoking breaks daily.

Yes, one of your smoking buddies ratted you out and told me that sometimes you take a 2 hour lunch to go play your Playstation in the back of your fancy car.

So when you give me an evaluation to fill out on you, please don't tell me that one of your strong suits is follow-up and time management.

Time management is not knowing how to maximize your goofing off time.


I wanna get paid $100k to do nothing too!!

Posted 11/21/05 3:50 PM


Member since 6/05

3321 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

My boss gets paid over $125,000 for the work I do. He's toooo stupid to live. So I feel for you.

Hugs coming your way!

Posted 11/21/05 3:53 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Dear Boss --

Oh wait,...that's ME now!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:13 PM

Support Cancer Research

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16353 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Posted by karacg

Dear Boss --

Oh wait,...that's ME now!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Give yourself the rest of the week off!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:19 PM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Dear Boss

Dear Boss

Just because you leave you light on at your desk does not make me think you are still here I saw you cut threw the file room an hour ago I know you left early !


Posted 11/21/05 4:31 PM

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