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another question about car seats

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


another question about car seats

When they grow out of their infant carriers and move up to the regular car seat is it a huge PIA? Having to unstrap the baby and then strap them into the stroller? I see that some people moved to the regular car seat when their baby was as young as 4 months. What if the baby is sleeping? Are you waking them to make the transfer? I heard that their is a car seat available now that is like a stroller itself....haven't been able to find anything about it though.....Sidney is really out growing the snugride but i am not looking forward to making the switch yet.

Posted 1/10/06 9:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: another question about car seats

It took some adjusting to, but it really wasn't that bad. Sarah moved at 6 months.

As far as sleeping, Sarah rarely falls asleep in the car, only if we are out when she is supposed to be napping, so that isn't an issue for us.

Posted 1/10/06 9:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

It is a PITA but once you've carried around a car seat with a heavy baby - you'll be thrilled. Joseph was very movable - I could transfer him out of his car seat, change his clothes & his diaper & he wouldn't wake up (until he was put down in the crib Chat Icon ). Maddie wasn't movable at all & would not fall back to sleep. Hopefully Sidney is a movable baby.

I know moving them up is a bit of a production but if she's outgrowing it you're better off doing it sooner rather then later. If her feet are at the edge of the Snugride, she's not as safe as you may think she is.

Posted 1/10/06 9:52 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

I just got Julia a big carseat (Britax Marathon convertible) and shes 6 months, I thought I would have a problem with putting her in the stroller and if she would be able to sleep in it ok but Its actually not a problem, I just strap her in the stroller and adjust the back for her to sit up or laydown to sleep. Once you get use to it, it wont be that bad. Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 9:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

Hopefully Sidney is a movable baby.

NOT AT ALL!!!!! She is the worlds lightest sleeper. Most of the time she wakes up the second I turn the car off. So in that case I guess there isn't much of a difference. It just seems like so much more work. Sidney is 25 inches...I thought the snug ride was good till 29 inches - but her feet are right at the edge. Hmmmm....can the brtiax marathon face the rear??

Posted 1/10/06 10:10 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

Yes, you should have the Marathon (or any other car seat for that matter) facing the rear until they are 1 year AND 20 lbs.

We moved Andrew to the Marathon at 4 months because he was such a big guy, and it was fine.

I think the car seat that's movable that your talking about is this one:

External Image

You can find it here:
One Step Ahead

Posted 1/10/06 10:47 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

Her feet being near the edge doesn't mean you need to switch - folding legs isn't an issue. You need to be concerned about where her head is relative to the top of the shell. It should be one inch below or more.

I can't take my baby out of the car seat (I have the Britax Boulevard which I love) without waking her up. I've actually ended up sitting in the car reading a book at times when she has fallen asleep since I had to switch at 4.5 months.

Posted 1/11/06 7:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

For me the PITA was lugging around that infant carrier when Jack was getting big. SO HEAVY. It was a great relief to me to have the car seat permantly in the car and just had to put Jack in the car. And at that age, even if Jack would wake up when I was transferring him to his crib, he would go right back to sleep.

Posted 1/11/06 8:49 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: another question about car seats

Actually Justin hated the infant car seat and now he loves his Marathon. It is not that bad waking the baby up to remove him.

Posted 1/11/06 9:07 AM

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