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Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

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My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

13476 total posts


Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

I am thinking about joining a gym and trying to decide where to join. I have tried LWE in the past and got bored. Any recommendations?

Posted 1/24/06 9:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

funny u should ask--i have a major gripe about them..altho the price is right--i pay 30 bucks a month for a 1 yr membership...i HATE that u hafta sign up for a treadmill or elliptical... and u can only be on it for 30 minutes (which is typical).. BUT if u go at lets say 4:00pm....everything could be signed up until say 6:00 then what do u do? stand around???? the worst will be if at 4:15 there r free treadmills for example....yet someone is signed up for 430..u can do those 15 minutes but then u need to get off at 430...its verrry f*cking annoying...i go to the one in Forest Hills which is always packed, i think if u go at a time when it is not busy--mid day, u will have better luck with cardio equipment, on a side note.. there classes r awesome, i took butt and gutt classes about 2 yrs ago and i actually had an amazing stomach! I would always show it off cause I NEVER HAD abs b4 lol..MY mom would be like michelle put ur shirt down!!! LOL LOL

any more q's def. fm me Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/06 10:03 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

13476 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

Thanks for all the info. I would probably go straight from work, which means around 3:30pm. I hate when they let people sign up fpr a treadmill hours in advance, I really don't think it's fair. I have been on a treadmill before and had two minutes left on the cool down and people say, Oh, I am signed up for that one. I don't have patients for that either.

Maybe I will sign up for a free one day pass.


Posted 1/24/06 10:07 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

Posted by danielleandscott

Thanks for all the info. I would probably go straight from work, which means around 3:30pm. I hate when they let people sign up fpr a treadmill hours in advance, I really don't think it's fair. I have been on a treadmill before and had two minutes left on the cool down and people say, Oh, I am signed up for that one. I don't have patients for that either.

Maybe I will sign up for a free one day pass.


yeah 330 might be a good time if u get there by 4 u can beat the crowd..i feel like im preparing for war just to get a treadmill--i change at work so i can run to the train to run to the gym to pray that there is a slot that i can sign up for at 430..its def unfair when pple r so rude and make u get off when there is 2 minutes to go! I hate that!! I do agree that pple should only be on for 30 minutes. but not on the half hr thats just ridiculous!!!! like i said tho if u can go at a better time then the $$ is totally worth it, plus the classes r free which can be really good, def get a membership pass, they r always giving away free ones... oh and they do have it on a montly basis which i think is 40 per month so u can just cancel any time you want Chat Icon if u dont wanna sign up for the entire yr..
goodluck! :)

Posted 1/24/06 10:13 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

Which one would you go to? I think it depends a lot on the location. My mother has gone to the one in Plainview for about 5 years, but she doesn't work anymore, so she goes around 9. She uses the treadmill, but she also likes the classes.

I think 3:30 miht be a good time to go.

Posted 1/24/06 11:40 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

I belong. I just got a free 8 week pass to Bally's, which really made me appreciate Lucille Roberts much more because Bally's is so full of meatheads. You do have to sign up for machines, and they only have two ellipticals at my location (that's my favorite, so I wish they had more). If it is full, I'll do stairmaster (which they have like 15 of and they are never full) or weights. Basically people sign up when they get there--you can't sign up the day before, and no one hangs out there for hours, so people aren't signing up too far in advance. It was insane the first couple weeks in Jan. with New Year's resolution people, but it's quieted down. I like it, and you can't beat the price.

Posted 1/25/06 9:06 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Anyone belong to Lucille Roberts?

I used to belong. I really liked the fact that it was all women so you don't feel like you are "in the way" at the weight machines. The classes were usually very good - I'm a big stepper and I enjoyed their step classes. The schedule & variety of the classes was very good too.

My complaint is also with the cardio machines. They just don't have enough. I love the elliptical and I could never ever get one. So I just stopped trying and went for the classes and the machines.

I cancelled my membership because with the baby my schedule has changed and I was paying for both LR and Bally's of which I am still a member. But I would go back if I could.

Posted 1/25/06 9:13 AM

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