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Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

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boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

HOLY COW ! So much for these great areas, great school districts! (this is in reference to Great Hollow Middle School)

This is what I heard from a student, Im sure the stories get twisted around, but she was pretty involved and knows alot of what was going on. Thank GOODNESS nothing happened, but just what could have or "Was supposed to" happen was scary enough of a thought.

Supposedly 2 kids spray painted/wrote on the wall somewhere that they were going to re-enact Columbine Chat Icon and to watch out on the 13th (yes of June).. Well one student happened to be there when they were talking about it, and they mentioned it to this student that they WERE going to do something, etc.

This freaked out, told a teacher for fear it had any truth to it! , teacher told student to report it IMMEDIATELY to Principal, security, etc.
This turned into a HUGE fiasco of Suffolk Police at the schools, roaming the halls, questioning the students, especially the 2 who made these insane threats, one of who is the son of a MAJOR person in the main office Chat Icon both are "good kids" and would never be expected to even THINK about something like this.

Then I was also told, there are cops on all the buses, these 2 students will nOT be allowed to attend their graduations. I think a bus driver, was hit with a bottle in the midst of a brawl, and the next day he had a heart attack Chat Icon

It was just really ugly at this school the past few days, there was a lock down, kids had to stay under their desks as the schools were searched. The 2 boys supposedly installed hidden cameras for "their plan". I was just shocked and dumbfounded that these things really can happen anywhere at any time Chat Icon

Lets just pray that it was all talk, and no action Chat Icon Has anyone heard anything else?

Message edited 6/15/2006 8:56:51 PM.

Posted 6/15/06 8:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown middle school ????

Didn't hear about that but I don't usually hear about things outside of my district. I will say sadly this is becoming more and more common place. Students think that it's a joke to scare everyone like that- it can be a power trip for them to make the others afraid. There was a student a couple of months ago that had a 'hit list' that was found with both teacher and students names on it. His parents are both police officers and he has access to guns Chat Icon The parents of course defended him and said he was just venting his frustration. But because we had another child of 2 police officers actually bring a gun into school about 4 years ago the school district stood strong.

Sadly schools are no longer the 'safe havens' that they were when we went to school. It's very scary.

Posted 6/15/06 8:36 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown middle school ????

I didn't hear about this but my DH's boss' daughter who just graduated from Smithtown HS last yr. told him that they have gangs and a serious drug problem at that school.

Message edited 6/15/2006 8:43:37 PM.

Posted 6/15/06 8:43 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

9252 total posts


Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown middle school ????

A kid threatened to do that at the HS last year. They caught him though.

My Senior year there ('99-'00) There were bomb threats all the time - it was rediculous.

Edit: just saw it was great hollow

Message edited 6/15/2006 8:49:51 PM.

Posted 6/15/06 8:49 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

are you sure this actually happened?

Posted 6/15/06 11:03 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

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Posted 6/15/06 11:07 PM

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by anna

HOLY COW ! So much for these great areas, great school districts! (this is in reference to Great Hollow Middle School)


I hate to say it but these things- tend to happen at the "good" schools- at nice suburban schools- not inner city schools- that's what tends to make them shocking

columbine was a very nice school in a very nice suburb of denver- my college roomate went there

the year of columbine was sister was a senior at Ward Melville- another "good" school- she was number 1 on the "hit list"- ( she was a star athelete) and they had a bomb scare every day

Posted 6/15/06 11:15 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

true....this kind of think will happen in any SD.

bullying happens in all neighborhoods, in all schools

Posted 6/15/06 11:19 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by Redhead

true....this kind of think will happen in any SD.

bullying happens in all neighborhoods, in all schools

I totally agree. They say its the "rich kids" that have had so much all their lives, they are bored and have nothing else to do Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 8:22 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

That's really scary! Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 8:26 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Didnt hear about this either, it seems like the good districts NEVER get publicized about things like this. This must be the reason why my district gets a bad rapChat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 8:31 AM

True love

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Are you sure this happened? I student taught there and speak regularly with my cooperating teacher - just yesterday in fact. No mention of this.

Posted 6/16/06 9:08 AM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by DMcK

Are you sure this happened? I student taught there and speak regularly with my cooperating teacher - just yesterday in fact. No mention of this.

Hey - who did you student teach with?

Posted 6/16/06 6:07 PM

big brother <3

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I didn't hear about this but my DH's boss' daughter who just graduated from Smithtown HS last yr. told him that they have gangs and a serious drug problem at that school.

I heard that too--apparently they call it Snifftown now because of the huge coke problem.

Posted 6/16/06 6:36 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I didn't hear about this but my DH's boss' daughter who just graduated from Smithtown HS last yr. told him that they have gangs and a serious drug problem at that school.

I heard that too--apparently they call it Snifftown now because of the huge coke problem.

Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 6:40 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I didn't hear about this but my DH's boss' daughter who just graduated from Smithtown HS last yr. told him that they have gangs and a serious drug problem at that school.

I heard that too--apparently they call it Snifftown now because of the huge coke problem.

I think you'd have a hard time finding a school that doesn't have a drug problem at this point.
The drugs all differ, depending on the spending abilities of the students....but they're everywhere!

I remember when I was in high school and I didn't even know what drugs were!Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 6:56 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Anyone else hear of the big mess at the Smithtown (Great Hollow) middle school ????

Posted by Palebride

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I didn't hear about this but my DH's boss' daughter who just graduated from Smithtown HS last yr. told him that they have gangs and a serious drug problem at that school.

I heard that too--apparently they call it Snifftown now because of the huge coke problem.

I think you'd have a hard time finding a school that doesn't have a drug problem at this point.
The drugs all differ, depending on the spending abilities of the students....but they're everywhere!

I remember when I was in high school and I didn't even know what drugs were!Chat Icon

very true! sadly

Posted 6/16/06 6:57 PM

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