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Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

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It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

My ob/gyn gave me a chart which was helpful when I was in denial about being in labor at 34 weeks. I can't find the chart but found this online. Hope it's helpful


Timing of Contractions
• False Labor: Often irregular; not usually becoming closer together
• True Labor: Come regularly, usually 4-6 minutes apart and can become closer together. Usually last 30-70 seconds.

Strength of Contractions
• False Labor: Frequently weak; not getting stronger with time, or alternately, a strong contraction followed by weaker ones.
• True Labor: Become stronger with time. You may also feel vaginal pressure

Pain with Contractions
• False Labor: Usually felt in the front only.
• True Labor: Can start in the back and move to the front.

Position Changes and Hydration
• False Labor: Contractions may stop or slow down when you walk, lie down, change position or increase your fluid intake.
• True Labor: Contractions continue no matter what position changes you make or how much you drink.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

If you are less than 35 weeks pregnant and you have regular contractions lasting more than thirty seconds and occurring more than 4-6 times an hour, try resting and drinking lots of fluids. If the contractions don't settle down with these changes in activity, call your practitioner. The signs of preterm labor can be subtle, and should be evaluated.

Once you are past 36 weeks, if this is a first pregnancy, you are much more likely to go in to your birth place too early rather than too late. Don't time contractions until they are very strong and regular. Plan to go to the hospital when they are so strong that you cannot hold a conversation during one, closer than 5 minutes apart, and continue in that pattern for over an hour. For women who have given birth before, we recommend using your previous labor as a guideline. On average, second babies come in half the time it took for the first. Subsequent pregnancies are usually similar to the second one.

If you just aren't sure whether it is false or real labor, don't feel bad going into labor and delivery to be examined. Your practitioner and the nurses there see many women each day in false labor. Sometimes it is even hard for the professionals to distinguish if it is the real thing.

Posted 2/3/06 3:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

great info! I had to find out the hard way about false labor but was having wayyyy too many contractions.

Posted 2/3/06 3:22 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Thanks for this great information. I am going to keep it handy for when I need it in April.

Posted 2/4/06 2:42 AM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Sorry to bump this post which is so old but I thought this would help so many of us due soon!
Thanks North shore girl!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/19/08 7:00 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

I've been in flase labor for weeks now Chat Icon

Posted 5/19/08 8:58 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Bump for the new soon to be moms

Posted 7/15/09 5:37 AM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

5150 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Thanks for this.

I think my issue - and probably for some others here - is that I have no idea what contractions - whether Braxton Hicks or real ones - actually feel like? I had some bad cramping on Saturday morning, which happened in intervals about three times. In the end I'm figuring that they were BH because they seemed to go away, but I'm not sure they were even that. They felt like bad menstrual cramps, under my bump, down my legs and across my back.

Can anyone clarify for us? Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/09 6:19 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

thanks for bumping...this is helpful!

Posted 7/15/09 7:01 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

this is awesome! thanks for bumping! definitely being notebooked right now!

Posted 7/15/09 7:05 AM


Member since 3/06

4749 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Posted by usuk2004

They felt like bad menstrual cramps, under my bump, down my legs and across my back.

Can anyone clarify for us? Thanks! Chat Icon

I get these too, not in any real intervals though, so I'm not sure that they are actually contractions.

I was in L&D over the weekend (unrelated to contractions) and all the nurse told me contractions felt like were a tightening across the top of the bump and a really bad pain (like you feel like you have to stop and breathe to get through it) under the bump. But I've heard so many other explanations of them so I'm confused as well.

Posted 7/15/09 8:05 AM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

6663 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Braxton Hicks are irregular and dont come in intervals.

Honestly, I know this may not be the greatest thing to say but you will KNOW when you are having real contractions.

For some reason I just KNEW.

YOu can feel the difference. I cant explain it but you will be able to feel it.

Posted 7/15/09 8:47 AM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

5150 total posts


Re: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Posted by angnick

Braxton Hicks are irregular and dont come in intervals.

Honestly, I know this may not be the greatest thing to say but you will KNOW when you are having real contractions.

For some reason I just KNEW.

YOu can feel the difference. I cant explain it but you will be able to feel it.

yeah, but the thing is, what do they feel like at all? BHs OR actual contractions??? Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/09 8:51 AM

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