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Co-Sleeping mommies...question

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Co-Sleeping mommies...question

how far gone is your "intimate" time with DH??? This is what I miss the cuddling, no nothing aside from when she's sleeping during the day somewhere OTHER than our bed.

Posted 2/28/06 9:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Co-Sleeping mommies...question

Julia has been sleeping with us since shes been born (7 mths now), So like you I have no idea what it is to be intimate in our bed anymore. We are more intimate on our couch then in our bed like we should be. I do miss it but I'm not ready yet to put Julia in her crib, I know I should because It will only get harder for her to sleep in it later, but her room is upstairs in our house and we are downstairs, and I feel like she will be soooo far away from me. Its so stressful!

Posted 2/28/06 10:06 AM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Co-Sleeping mommies...question

We have a king size sometimes I have Bryan on the side of us when we are still up and Then we get to cuddle before bed then we shift him to the middle later or he sleeps in the co sleeper for the 1st part of the night so then too and the couch and other areas Chat Icon Chat Icon we still find the opportunities Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 4:15 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Co-Sleeping mommies...question

Pretty much gone but we weren't snugglers in bed so its not a huge deal as far as that goes. We never really went to bed at the same time and we don't keep a TV in the bedroom.

Could you push your bed against a wall and put her on the wall side, you in the middle next to DH?

Posted 2/28/06 7:33 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Co-Sleeping mommies...question

We put my son in the co-sleeper, and have to shut the door so my 6 and 3 yo don't get a peep show, I have to say, it is quite a mood-wrecker when we are getting intimate and all of a sudden I hear my little guy squirm, or even if I look over at him to check on him my husband always says "he's fine! pretend he's not here", which is utterly impossible. So, now we put him in his crib in the beginning of the night (in his own bedroom), have some private time in our room, and then transfer him to the co-sleep, it is much better!
Thank goodness our intimacy has never been affected much (even with 3 kids!!), we always make time for it! After 16 years together I think if we changed our intimacy habits our relationship would really change, it is what really keeps us "crazy" about each other Chat Icon

Message edited 3/1/2006 8:48:48 AM.

Posted 3/1/06 8:47 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Co-Sleeping mommies...question

I think it's made it a little more fun actually - we're more creative now. Kinda feels like we're 19 all over againChat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:09 AM

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