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Halloween Costume...

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Halloween Costume...

I don't know what to do? Caiden is 21 months old. I don't know if I should buy a costume for him and try to take him trick or treating? I know he can't really eat the candy, but I wanted to start introducing Halloween to him. I live in NC and my mom and dad live in the apartment complex we used to live in so I would take him there instead of going around my neighborhood. I just don't know if it's worth spending the money or not? Would you spend the money? The only costume I wanted to get him was a Monsters Inc. one since he LOVES this movie. Total with shipping is $28.95. What do you think? Thanks!

Posted 10/23/05 9:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

I took Emma trick or treating when she was 4 months oldChat Icon She was a pea in a pod, of course we went with an older kid so it looked like something more than us looking for candy. This year both kids will be dressed up (Emma as Ariel and Jeremy as Sebastian) I spent $140 on both costumesChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon so I cant really comment on the cost of his costume but I think it's worth it to get pictures and people ALWAYS love seeing little babies dressed up. JMO

Posted 10/23/05 10:37 AM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

Posted by KPtoys

I took Emma trick or treating when she was 4 months oldChat Icon She was a pea in a pod, of course we went with an older kid so it looked like something more than us looking for candy. This year both kids will be dressed up (Emma as Ariel and Jeremy as Sebastian) I spent $140 on both costumesChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon so I cant really comment on the cost of his costume but I think it's worth it to get pictures and people ALWAYS love seeing little babies dressed up. JMO

I also took Jenna out her first Halloween-she was only 2 months old and she was also Pea in a Pod (we also went with some friends that had older kids too). This year she is going to be Raggedy Ann and I can't wait to take her out-candy for me!!!

Posted 10/23/05 10:50 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

LOL Dani - You ask Emma what she is going to do on Halloween and she will tell you "go trick -or - treating" then you ask her what she is going to do with her candy and she will tell you "give it to daddy"... boy does my DH have her trainedChat Icon

Posted 10/23/05 11:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

I vote YES. It is just too cute to not do it. You can always sell it on EBAY later.

Posted 10/23/05 11:20 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

I took Jordan out trick-or-treating when he was 7 months old mostly to just see family, of course he had no idea what was going on but everyone liked to see him dressed up...I took him again the next year and he had 2 pieces of chocolate and then threw up Chat Icon Chat Icon .... I'm dressing Mallory up as a princess this year and she's 9 months old.....The little ones like to see the halloween decorations and pumpkins too it's just something fun to do!.....

Jordan this year understands the candy thing, but seeing as how I'm not big on him having candy he leaves his candy out on Halloween night and the "Halloween Witch" comes and she trades him his candy for a present Chat Icon Chat Icon works really well!!!

Posted 10/23/05 12:22 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Halloween Costume...

Someone gave me (at my baby shower) a Giraffe costume for Hayley. I will go out with my niece and Hayley.

Posted 10/23/05 12:29 PM

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