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Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

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Almost there!

Member since 7/06

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Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I'm in a wedding 7 months after I'm due to give birth. The bride wants to order the bridesmaid dresses sometime in the next couple months. The shop she went to suggested that we order whatever size I fit into when we order. I think that is absurd because my belly will put me in a size much larger than my pre-pg size.

I told her I'd probably just order a dress two sizes larger than my pre-pg size at the most since dresses can usually be altered up or down two sizes. I don't expect to be pre-pg size again but I also don't expect to be 2 sizes larger 7 months postpartum.

Am I in for a rude awakening? Should I get measured when they order and order that size? Or should I stick to my idea?

Posted 8/18/06 11:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I was in the same situation as you were - except I was in my friends wedding last week at 5 months post pardum. We got measured while i was pregnant - but i wasn't even measured - I just ordered a plus size dress - size 16 and had it taken in. Its better to order bigger - the seamstress can always bring the dress in.
Now - mind you the dress was a mermaid dress in a hottish pink color !!
I wouldn't get measured with your belly - thats crazy - but i would order it bigger than you usually are - just in case - its been in my experience that bridal dresses tend to run smaller than usual.

Posted 8/18/06 11:57 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I think i depends on how you think you will do losing the weight after baby.

I got measured for a bm dress when i was 7 months pg for a wedding the end of sept. I will be 5 months PP. My pre pg dress size in bm dresses is 6-8. I ordered a 12, to not put too much pressure on myself to lose weight tooo quickly.

I put on 50+ lbs pg, and I am still 10-15 pounds away from pre pg weight. It's so hard to tellhow much you will gain and where you will gain it.

I figured better to go bigger and have it taken in, especially if the alterations are capped.

On the other hand, I had to get a dress for a wedding in March, when I was 8 months pg, ordered it when I was 7 weeks pg, it was a size 16, and IT Diddn't fit around my tummy, it was let out all it could.

It's a tough one. For 7months pp, for me, I have gone 1 size above what pre pg is, depending on the cut of the dress.

Sorry for the ramblilng!

Posted 8/18/06 12:29 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

My BF is normally a size 6 for my BM dresses she would have probably been an 8. She was about 16 weeks pp at my wedding. I ordered her a 14 and we were way off!! Now that I think about it we were stupid but she was having twins and she was HUGE!!!

It wound up costing her $75 to cut the entire dress down Chat Icon

I would order 2 sizes bigger.

Posted 8/18/06 12:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I am in a wedding in October and was measured for my dress in February (1 month PP). They wanted to order me a size 22, when pre-preggo I am a size 6-8 in bridesmaid dresses. So predicting that I would lose the weight, which I did, the dress is a size 14 or 16 I think and will need a ton of alterations. I was just afraid of ordering a size that is too small.

Posted 8/18/06 1:06 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I was in a bridal party at 10 weeks pp and when we ordered it I was about 14 weeks pg. I actually kinda fit into the sample except couldnt zip it up all the way. So I decided that I would go by my bust since that is my largest part and I was planning on BF. In bridal attire pre pg I was a size 12 but needed about 1-2 inches taken in on the sides because of my chest. I ordered at a size 16 for this wedding and had about 1-2 inches taken in around my waist and hips and minimal amount taken in around my bust. So if you plan on breastfeeding that is another thing to consider because your chest will be bigger. HTH!

Posted 8/18/06 1:14 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Personally, I would go 2 sizes up to be safe. By 7 months, I was pretty much in my pre-preggo size - even though at my pre-preggo weight way before then....

Posted 8/18/06 1:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I had to girls in my wedding party that just had a baby. My shop ordered the size that fit their bust measurement.


Posted 8/18/06 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I was in the exact same situation, for two weddings. I ordered dresses two sizes up from my pre-pregnancy weight and I ended up spending more money than I will ever tell for alterations because I seriously OVERESTIMATED what my weight would be...

Posted 8/18/06 2:08 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

When I went to order the dress for DonnaMaries wedding. The woman was like "There is no way you are going to loose all the baby weight by October" So I ordered the biggest size possible (I am plus sized to begin with) Well 3 months after Patrick was born they had to take in my dress a good bit.

Posted 8/18/06 2:27 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Posted by IrishTracy

When I went to order the dress for DonnaMaries wedding. The woman was like "There is no way you are going to loose all the baby weight by October" So I ordered the biggest size possible (I am plus sized to begin with) Well 3 months after Patrick was born they had to take in my dress a good bit.

That's what happened to me and I ended up spending close to $300 on alterations Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 2:40 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by IrishTracy

When I went to order the dress for DonnaMaries wedding. The woman was like "There is no way you are going to loose all the baby weight by October" So I ordered the biggest size possible (I am plus sized to begin with) Well 3 months after Patrick was born they had to take in my dress a good bit.

That's what happened to me and I ended up spending close to $300 on alterations Chat Icon

I think they were free alterations. It was 5 years ago. I don't really remember

Posted 8/18/06 4:03 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Posted by Bxgell2

I was in the exact same situation, for two weddings. I ordered dresses two sizes up from my pre-pregnancy weight and I ended up spending more money than I will ever tell for alterations because I seriously OVERESTIMATED what my weight would be...

Ladies this is exactly what the shops are counting on, the bigger the dress will be on you, the more they will charge for alterations! Big money in their pockets!

You also need to take into consideration whether or not you will eb breatfeeding. If you are, in 7 months postpartum, you might end up UNDER your prepregnancy weight...

Posted 8/18/06 4:21 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Message edited 2/8/2007 1:49:51 PM.

Posted 8/18/06 4:30 PM

Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05

3644 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

My sister in law was pregnant with twins when it came time to get measured for the bm dresses for my wedding...they didn't measure her w/belly they used measurements from a previous bridesmaid dress (she was able to obtain from place she had ordered that dress from) she was typically a size 8-10...they ordered her a size 14 (they wanted to order her a 16 but she gave them a hard time) By the time my wedding rolled around she was pp 5 months and the 14 fit but it wasn't huge on her

Posted 8/19/06 10:02 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

Thanks for your answers ladies! I'm going to order two sizes larger. I do plan on breastfeeding and hopefully, working out some in the couple months before the wedding.

The dress that she will probably go with is a A-line skirt with a bustier-type top with a ribbon around the waist. I'm not worried about it being clingy or anything. It looks like it would hide flaws pretty well.

Posted 8/19/06 10:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: Post-baby size and bridesmaid dress

I think 2 sizes up is good - and make sure you get a cap on alterations.

I had a BM who was a 00 and the smallest size was a 4 and they cut down the dress alot all for the price they promised - $50

one thing about will propbably lose most of the weight, BUT your boobs could be HUGE. I know I was, so the bigger size will help.

Posted 8/20/06 9:58 AM

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