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POtato Salad

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1199 total posts


POtato Salad

how do you make it? I am loking for one thats made with mustard and its really yummy and creamy.

Posted 5/19/05 10:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: POtato Salad

i dont know how much help this is, b/c i really just eyeball it, so i have no measurements (potato salad and a Mess are the 2 things i know how to make in a kitchen Chat Icon ). But these are the ingrediants that i use.... (and everyone loves my potato salad-- and not just 'pity love' either) Chat Icon

(i usually use 5 big potatos)

grey poupon (or any honesy dijon mustard)... i use a couple of Tablespoons
horseradish mustard (just a teaspoon)
pickle juice (usually sweet gerkins, but Dill when we want more 'zest; to it)
salt (1/4 teaspoon is more than enough for me, but i'm not a salt person)
pepper (i only use a little,DH adds more to his)
onion powder (just a dash)
celery salt

and sometimes, to add a little something to it, i add the Ranch dressing that has bacon bits in it Chat Icon

oh, and sometimes i'll cut an onion into quaters and put in the pot with the potatos as theyre boiling, to give them a little flavor (but its not all that powerful).

Posted 6/11/05 1:22 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

424 total posts


Re: POtato Salad

Posted by neeniebean86

i dont know how much help this is, b/c i really just eyeball it, so i have no measurements (potato salad and a Mess are the 2 things i know how to make in a kitchen Chat Icon ). But these are the ingrediants that i use.... (and everyone loves my potato salad-- and not just 'pity love' either) Chat Icon

(i usually use 5 big potatos)

grey poupon (or any honesy dijon mustard)... i use a couple of Tablespoons
horseradish mustard (just a teaspoon)
pickle juice (usually sweet gerkins, but Dill when we want more 'zest; to it)
salt (1/4 teaspoon is more than enough for me, but i'm not a salt person)
pepper (i only use a little,DH adds more to his)
onion powder (just a dash)
celery salt

and sometimes, to add a little something to it, i add the Ranch dressing that has bacon bits in it Chat Icon

oh, and sometimes i'll cut an onion into quaters and put in the pot with the potatos as theyre boiling, to give them a little flavor (but its not all that powerful).

sounds yummy!

Posted 6/11/05 2:56 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: POtato Salad

I always add chopped up eggs..I think thats the dutch way of making it, but I love it, it makes it soooo good.. YUM, I want some NOW lol

Posted 6/11/05 11:23 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: POtato Salad

I don't know about using mustard but I like to add olive oil, fresh basil and parsley, a little oregano and a splash of red wine vinegar.

It's yummy and it's not so heavy in these warm summer months.

Posted 6/12/05 10:47 PM

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