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Ryan is sick.... advice please

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Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Ryan is sick.... advice please

He has really been "off" since Saturday. Yesterday during the day he was ok, but towards the later afternoon he seemed really warm on his head and neck. I took his temp and no fever. Then he woke up at 12am SCREAMING and again at 3:30 am and again at 6:00am (which is so not like him). The only thing that would console him is being held and rocked. My SIL watches him during the day and said that all day she had to hold him because if she laid him down he would cry. He also is taking FOREVER to take his bottle.

Could this be an ear infection? My friend who has a 7 month old said that her ped. told her a few signs of an ear infection are the baby crying when you lay them down and crying or discomfort when taking a bottle (the swallowing bothers them). Or could it be teething? I feel nothing coming in on his gums.. but who knows.

Right now he is finally passed out since he hasnt slept all day and I hope he doesnt have a night like last night!

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Posted 6/19/06 7:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Ryan is sick.... advice please

It could be an ear infection or teething. DD has had similar symptoms for both. If he has another bad night I would take him to the dr. tomorrow.

Good Luck. Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/06 8:07 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Ryan is sick.... advice please

Sounds like an ear infection. Restless sleep and trouble with swallowing are DD's signs of one. I would call your ped.

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Posted 6/19/06 10:06 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Ryan is sick.... advice please

Sounds like an ear infection to me, thats how Julia was and then I noticed that she cut 2 teeth! I took her to the Dr and he said its common to get ear infections while teething. She had the fever for a few days and was VERY clingy to me. Hope he feels better soon!Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/06 10:18 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Ryan is sick.... advice please

I agree, I would call the ped, it does sound like an ear infectionChat Icon

Posted 6/19/06 10:18 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Ryan is sick.... advice please

Thanks for the replies.. Chat Icon

Ryan seems to be doing better tonight so far so we'll see how it goes. He has a well check already for Wednesday so regardless he will be going either tomorrow or Wednesday to the Dr.

Posted 6/19/06 10:42 PM

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