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Toddler Bed is the best

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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Toddler Bed is the best

As most of you know I have been having trouble with marissa sleeping in her crib she would fall asleep with me in the bed then I would put her in the crib and she would always wake up in the middle of the nite wanting out and no matter what I tried she would notgo back to sleep unless I put her in my bed and then she would pass out.

Well last nite we converted her crib to a toddler bed and even though I still have to lay in bed with her for her to go to sleep I don't lay in my bed I lay in the guest bed now then when she was alseep I put her in her bed she did wake up at around 1:30am I went in her room and gave her a pacifier and she layed back down and I sat on the floor next to the bed and she went back to sleep this happend again at around 5:30am but I think its just that she needs to get used to her bed. At least she stayed in her bed and didn't want to get out. I am so happy to finally have my bed back
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Posted 11/29/05 9:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed is the best

Yay great news for you!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/29/05 10:25 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed is the best

That is so great! It sounded like she was ready for her toddler bed and seriously it is SUCH a good thing that she pretty much made the transition herself to a "Big girl bed" -- some kids have a really hard time with that even when they've outgrown the crib.

What if you tried sitting on the floor beside her or getting yourself a bean bag or big throw pillows so you could sit beside her every night and read books to her while she layed in her bed -- maybe wiht the big girl bed could come a new big girl bedtime routine that might help her to fall esleep in there a bit better and stay esleep through the night.

Posted 11/29/05 10:42 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed is the best

Wow, thats great news! It sounds like she likes her new big girl bed!

Posted 11/29/05 10:47 AM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed is the best

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon yeah!!!!

Posted 11/29/05 11:44 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed is the best

Posted by Melbernai

That is so great! It sounded like she was ready for her toddler bed and seriously it is SUCH a good thing that she pretty much made the transition herself to a "Big girl bed" -- some kids have a really hard time with that even when they've outgrown the crib.

What if you tried sitting on the floor beside her or getting yourself a bean bag or big throw pillows so you could sit beside her every night and read books to her while she layed in her bed -- maybe wiht the big girl bed could come a new big girl bedtime routine that might help her to fall esleep in there a bit better and stay esleep through the night.

I am goign to try that tonite reading her a book and try to put her to sleep in her bed

I am so happy that she made this transition so easy I just hope it stays this easy

Thank you for your suggestion

Posted 11/29/05 12:35 PM

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