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BFing and sleeping through the night

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My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


BFing and sleeping through the night

Lately (knock on wood) Logan has been sleeping pretty much through the night. He falls asleep between 10-10:30 and gets up anywhere between 5:30-7:30. By the time he gets up, my boobs are huge and killing me. Once in a while he still gets up around 3 or so. If he sleeps through the night more often than not, am I going to lose the milk supply for that middle of the night feeding? When he does wake up (if I lose the milk) should I bottlefeed him (he takes formula and BF) or let him go until morningChat Icon .

Posted 11/15/05 3:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

Not sure, but maybe pump more often to keep your supply up. Or try to wake yourself up during the night to be honest, I really don't know. Not there yet, but will be soon enough Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 5:31 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

My daughter Julia is on pretty much the same schedule, she goes to bed around 10-10:30 and wakes up sometimes at 3am for like a 5 minute feeding and then wakes around 7 for another. My boobs got use to her not waking up in the middle of the night now so they arent killing me anymore, and my milk supply stayed the same. You will adjust to it. I thought the same thing at first. Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 5:50 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

Your body is an amazing thing -- it can and will adjust to meet the baby's needs, even if they are inconsistent. There is no reason to include a bottle unless you are hoping to have someone else do the feedings.

Posted 11/15/05 7:04 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

Alex has also been on a similar schedule for the last two weeks or so. She'll go to bed around 10 or 11, wake up for a very quick snack at around 3am, and then wake up again at 6 or 7am. At first my boobs were literally KILLING me by the time 3am rolled around but after a few nights like that they adjusted. It took a while for the adjustment because at first I was waking up and pumping, but now I"ve stopped and the supply has adjusted during the middle of the night.

Posted 11/15/05 7:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

When your boobs hurt that badly pump, unless it is within 1/2 hour of the baby waking. Then just wait or else your baby won't have any milk to drink. If you stay engorged you could get a plugged duct. OUCH..I had it twice.
You can just pump and freeze the milk for when you want to go out.
I would not introduce a bottle until you need to. JMO

Posted 11/15/05 7:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

Sidney is very inconsistent. I stopped pumping at night cause i never knew when she would wake. I think if they are waking in the middle of the night it is not for a full feeding so even if you feel that your supply dwindled a bit at night he probably just wants to **** for some comfort and will fall asleep while eating.

Posted 11/16/05 7:43 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: BFing and sleeping through the night

Thank you. Well, he got up at 4 this morning so being so inconsistant I don't think I'll have to worry yet about drying upChat Icon .

dree: what you said makes great sense.....if he misses the 3-4am feeding enough where my milk somewhat dries up at that time, he probably doesn't really need it anyway, it's just a matter of sucking that he needs....good point!

Message edited 11/16/2005 10:23:04 AM.

Posted 11/16/05 10:22 AM

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