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My movie reviews of the weekend..

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


My movie reviews of the weekend..

This was a movie xtravaganza weekend for me... i saw tons of movies so just wanted to sahre some reviews

Into the Blue:
Paul Walker and Jessica Alba
Neither of them can really act but it was a decent movie, interesting storyline altho slightly farfetched. They are basically on the hunt for "buried treasure" and stumble into alot of shady business..

Nuns on the Run
old class movie but sooo funny, about 2 guys trying to escape from the mob so they hide in a convent..very cute if u catch it on tv sometime

Just like Heaven..this movie is with Reese Witherspoon and is soooooo good, I actually clapped when it was over lol. (sad but true)

Not at all what I expected.. Orlando Bloom looks super hot, Kirsten Dunst has the most annoying accent and to me always looks like trailer trasher/crack whore...

It has some parts that are really good... then others that are soooo slow, you just want it to end.

A definite thinker and if you have experienced the death of a parent it could potentially be a real tear jerker..

An awesome Harrison Ford movie, constantly keeps you into the movie, altho it feels really long the movie is actually less then 2 hrs..Excellent acting by the 2 kids in the movie, imo

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Message edited 3/6/2006 9:16:20 AM.

Posted 3/6/06 9:15 AM
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Re: My movie reviews of the weekend..

I loved that you just posted movie reviews. I'm always looking for new ones.

I agree with Elizabethtown - previews looked much better than the actual movie

I liked Just Like Heaven, even if it was very predictable.

Nuns on Run - makes me laugh

Posted 3/6/06 9:31 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: My movie reviews of the weekend..

Great reviews!
I totally agree with Just like Heaven (sooo cuteChat Icon) and Elizabethtown (soooo bleehh and I totally hate and despise Kirsten Dunst, bleeeehhhhch)

Posted 3/6/06 10:18 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: My movie reviews of the weekend..

I had wanted to see Just Like Heaven but some kid ruined the storyline by telling me what happens! Chat Icon
I may rent it anyway though...

And I CAN'T STAND big headed Kirsten Dunst Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 10:31 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: My movie reviews of the weekend..

I liked Just Like Heaven too!!!!

We saw Firewall last week, and I actually liked it. I usually don't like action movies, but this was pretty good.

Ok, I'll add: I saw 16 Blocks on Saturday afternoon. I was surprised that it was actually GOOD! It was a "Rich's Choice" movie, which usually suckkk), but I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely worth the time/money.

Posted 3/6/06 10:48 AM

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