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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


sorta cross post

I need to get a gift for my niece's 1st birthday. I think I am settled on a couple shares of stock, along with a related toy, i.e. Disney stock and a Mickey stuffed toy & outfit or something.

So- I looked up some stock info- Disney is at 29, Scholastic is at 28, Dreamworks is at 21, etc.

Financially- I think it makes the most sense to get 2 shares, and then a toy-- DH thinks 2 shares is weird- and even thinks 3 is better-- I see no difference b/t 2 and 3..

And although she is my niece-- I don't want to spend a ton of money either-- I spend money on her year round-- and she is only 1 anyway-- she doens't know the difference.


Posted 8/28/06 3:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: sorta cross post

Well, stocks and shares aren't usual gifts but I think we give our kids so much material stuff.... it's a good idea. IMO Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 3:51 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

I think 2 is strange - although I have no idea why I think that way. Maybe it's because 2 isn't a signficant number unless you do "1 and 1 for good luck".

eta. I bought 10 shares of disney for my nephew as a combined birthday/christening present.

Message edited 8/28/2006 3:52:37 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 3:51 PM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

First, I'd like to say I think it's such a wonderful and thoughtful gift! When I was small I received stock from my god-mother and I still own it today.
If 2 shares make sense financially then go with it. It's still a very generous gift and one that can last a lifetime. I don't really see the difference between 2 or 3. Plus, you're giving her another gift with it. So I think 2 is fine.

Posted 8/28/06 3:53 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

Posted by nrthshgrl

I think 2 is strange - although I have no idea why I think that way. Maybe it's because 2 isn't a signficant number unless you do "1 and 1 for good luck".

eta. I bought 10 shares of disney for my nephew as a combined birthday/christening present.

I want to spend less than $100-- and also give her something to open at the party.

I just think it's $60 more well spent than on a Ralph Lauren dress that she'll grow out of in 3 months.

Posted 8/28/06 3:54 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

I like the stock in Disney or Dreamworks. why don't you get her 1 share this year, 2 next year, 3 the following, and so on. it could start a tradition.

Posted 8/28/06 3:56 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I like the stock in Disney or Dreamworks. why don't you get her 1 share this year, 2 next year, 3 the following, and so on. it could start a tradition.

I thought about that-- I can say 1 for her b day and 1 for good luck or whatever like another poster said-- I am still going to research other stocks that may be less money-- but still kid brands.

Posted 8/28/06 3:58 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

Posted by randella

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I like the stock in Disney or Dreamworks. why don't you get her 1 share this year, 2 next year, 3 the following, and so on. it could start a tradition.

I thought about that-- I can say 1 for her b day and 1 for good luck or whatever like another poster said-- I am still going to research other stocks that may be less money-- but still kid brands.

I just have to say, that is an AWESOME idea!! much better than any toy or outfit Chat Icon (although you def have to get her one or you'll be the mean aunt Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:00 PM


Member since 8/05

3498 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

There is a cool sire wher eyou can buy the stock and they frame and mat it. Its a little expensive, but they have lots of different companies; Disney, Build A Bear, etc.I have bought numerous times fromt hem and have NOT been disappointed

Posted 8/28/06 4:06 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: sorta cross post

Posted by Tigger77

There is a cool sire wher eyou can buy the stock and they frame and mat it. Its a little expensive, but they have lots of different companies; Disney, Build A Bear, etc.I have bought numerous times fromt hem and have NOT been disappointed

My family does that!!

I don't think there is any difference between 2 or 3.

Posted 8/28/06 4:10 PM

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