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BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

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BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Ok, I know that babies can "cluster feed", but I swear to you Alexandra has been wanting to eat practically every hour for the past three weeks!Chat Icon
Last night she woke every 1 1/2-2 hours to eat, today she was terribly cranky (partially due to gas I'm sure) & was CONSTANTLY hungry!
I just fed her at 7pm for 30 minutes & she is screaming again.Chat Icon
It's absolutely breaking my heart, I truly don't believe I am giving her enough. I'm hardly getting anything when I pump, I can't even make ONE bottle of pumped BM to take to the In-Laws house for Sunday. I can't even find the time to pump b/c she always wants me.
I fed her this afternoon around 4, she was still hungry, I tried to console her & hold her off, but to avail. I gave in & gave her 2 oz. of formula, she was SO content afterwards.
I just don't know how much more of this I can handle.Chat Icon I can't even go out w/ her b/c she wants to eat too much.
Sorry, I think I just needed to vent.Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/06 8:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Before you give up why not pay a visit to a LC. They will have a scale and you will weigh her before you nurse and then after and it will tell you exactly how much you are giving her. I had no idea I had a low milk supply until we did this and I shared some other things with her like no breast changes during pregnancy, never "felt" my milk come in, no leaking, etc.

I don't know too much about the cluster feeding or how long it goes on for.
I hope it gets better.
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Posted 1/20/06 8:14 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Andrea...first: Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I went thru the EXACT same thing with Sofia! she was cluster feeding like a maniac, and would only be completely full after supplementing with anywhere from 2-3 oz of formula (about 3 times daily i had to do this)....

i know it's soooo excrutiatingly draining...i could only do it for about 3-4 months. after that, i just couldn't do it anymore, and went completely to formula. i used the enfamil powder, b/c it wasn't as thick as the RTF, and was more convenient imo.

I know it's hard, but hang in there! and remember, we are here whenever you need to vent!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/06 8:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

I'm going to call a LC next week.
I know I have milk for her if she feeds like every 3 hours b/c I can hear her gulping, but when it's every hour I just don't think my body is keeping up. It's been like this since she was born, I would think my body would have caught up by now.Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/06 8:16 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Ryan would cluster feed at night....and I was sooo exhausted!

I would def. go see a LC, dont give up!! I know its hard right now....but it will work out!

I wish...I didnt let my exhaustion (and people comments Chat Icon ) get to me, and I couldve done it longer than a month...

Do whats best for you...but look into the LC if you can!

Posted 1/20/06 8:19 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Posted by MrsERod

Andrea...first: Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I went thru the EXACT same thing with Sofia! she was cluster feeding like a maniac, and would only be completely full after supplementing with anywhere from 2-3 oz of formula (about 3 times daily i had to do this)....

i know it's soooo excrutiatingly draining...i could only do it for about 3-4 months. after that, i just couldn't do it anymore, and went completely to formula. i used the enfamil powder, b/c it wasn't as thick as the RTF, and was more convenient imo.

I know it's hard, but hang in there! and remember, we are here whenever you need to vent!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thanks Sweetie.Chat Icon
I could NEVER handle this type of nursing for 3-4 months, it's amazing you could. I am emotionally & physically drained.
I can't believe something so natural can be so difficult.Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/06 8:19 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Posted by AndreaLMT

Thanks Sweetie.Chat Icon
I could NEVER handle this type of nursing for 3-4 months, it's amazing you could. I am emotionally & physically drained.
I can't believe something so natural can be so difficult.Chat Icon

Chat Icon
believe me, I STILL can't believe i held on that long! and I WAS physically & emotionally drained! Chat Icon
i too can't understand how bf can be so hard for some, and so natural for others.
Chat Icon
anywho...give that little angel a Chat Icon & Chat Icon
from us. Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/06 8:27 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

My mom always says the best thing to do is bf on one side while drinking a big glass of something. While your doing this the milk will come in on the other side. After your done Bf'ing pump the other side and while you do that the milk will come in on the side you just fed on and you can either pump or feed her. My mom said she got to the point where she could pump 2 8 oz. bottles. Good luck. My cousin is bf now and i know she spends a lot of time doing it!!!!!

Posted 1/20/06 8:59 PM

My girls

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Checking in with a Lactation Consultant and/or the pediatrician is a great suggestion.

Some survival ideas are to stop watching the clock, rent a pile of movies, get a comfy nursing pillow, and create a very comfy spot to sit. This will not be forever. The sooner you accept it as (extremely) unpleasant and (absolutely) temporary the sooner you will feel better.

Posted 1/20/06 9:46 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

BF is a full time job in the beginning. Watching movies, drinking your water all helps the time pass.
Also the LC told me something that helped me with pumping for so long:
Molly will only need you to do this for a VERY short a few years you will wish you could do it again for her.

Posted 1/20/06 9:52 PM

My Everything

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Posted by AndreaLMT

I'm going to call a LC next week.
I know I have milk for her if she feeds like every 3 hours b/c I can hear her gulping, but when it's every hour I just don't think my body is keeping up. It's been like this since she was born, I would think my body would have caught up by now.Chat Icon

If you hear gulping/swallows when she's feeding you have milk.
Maybe an LC visit will put your mind at ease about that.
BFing on demand is hard. My friends son was a lot like your daughter the first couple of months but it does get easier. Just think of all the benefits you are providing to your daughter by giving her breastmilk. For me BFing has been such a challenge and quite frankly a PITA that I have to keep myself focused on the positives so that I keep up and don't stop.
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Posted 1/20/06 11:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

So Sorry Andrea... I didnt breast feed but just wanted to give you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hang in there....

Posted 1/21/06 12:29 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

Posted by monkeybride

If you hear gulping/swallows when she's feeding you have milk.

Just wanted to mention that I almost never could hear the gulping/swallows. They can be really subtle! Weight gain and wet diapers gave me the peace of mind I needed.

It is very rare that a mother isn't capable of producing enough milk. The LC will help you tell.

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Posted 1/21/06 7:41 AM

Best Friends

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

I had this problem at first. My pediatrician actually suggested I guve him a pacifier saying that some babaies just need to s uck and that it wasnt good for him to be using the boob like a pacifier. THIS WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Chat Icon It did not effect his ability to nurse at all. Also when he was a little older I finally realized I was confusing a tired cry for a hungry cry when he wanted to feed every 90minutes. When I got that figured out it got even better. Good luck!

Posted 1/21/06 9:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BF...I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!!

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BFing is very time consuming, my kids BF about every hr for the first 2 months, it was unreal! Remember to count her diapers, that is the only trueindicator if she is getting enough.
Also, is there any possibility that she is refluxing but it is not coming out (it's callef silent reflux), becuse those kids like to feed constantly because it settles their bellies, once they're done and sitting up, the acid travels upward.
Definitelt call a LC, I was in the same position you are in for my first 2 kidfs, and really hung in there and educated myself on what to do and in the end BF them for their entire 1st year. BUT.. remember Andrea, formula is still very good for babies, look at all of us who are formula-fed babies we are doing pretty good. Do what is best for YOU, don't stress yourself out.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/06 9:17 AM

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