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Cooking with Eggs...

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Cooking with Eggs...

I want to make this pasta called carbonara (i'm sure you italians have heard of it) It involves egg yolks. I have to mix a few of them in a bowl and then eventually they get cooked when I mix it in with the pasta. That should be ok right? This pasta is also cooked with a special kind of bacon but I am going to push that off my plate, although they are going to be cut into little tiny pieces and I usually don't have a lot of them, I always end up pushing a lot of them off my plate.

The one thing I don't use is the heavy cream. I don't like it. Technically you are supposed to put it in but I don't like it. This is the dry version which still tastes good!

Posted 1/11/06 11:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

I just read in my pregnancy book that eggs are fine to eat if they are pasturized. You can even have them over-easy because the threat of bateria is minimal.

Posted 1/11/06 11:19 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

So I should be ok cooking this pasta right?

Posted 1/11/06 11:26 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

Most definitely, the pasta will be fine. You can even eat the bacan since you cooked it.

Posted 1/11/06 11:33 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

you should be fine. I made home made fried rice which called for eggs. Bacon is fine too.

Posted 1/11/06 11:38 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

Oh cool...i'm so excited. I haven't made it in so long and it's DH's favorite pasta dish and I want to do something special for him. Since everything is about me right now with my pregnancy, I just felt like I wanted to do something just for him. Not that he feels left out. He's been wonderful. When I was told that I was at high risk for a downs syndrome baby due to my AFP blood results and we went through the stress of the Amnio and waiting and worrying about the results, DH was wonderful. He kept me from having a nervous breakdown because I was on the verge of one. When I needed the bed rest after my amnio test, he went out and got me whatever I needed. Really he’s been wonderful and I just want to do something for him even if it’s something as simple as making his favorite dish.

It's even more cool that I can eat the bacon. I don't put too much on my plate anyways...

Thanks Guys!

Posted 1/11/06 11:50 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

The rule is you can't have raw eggs... but since it will be cooked- you'll be fine!

Posted 1/11/06 11:55 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

Bacon does have nitrates, but you'd be eating such a small amount I don't think it would matter. (Just don't go having a hot dog or sausage the next day!)

The cooked eggs are no problem at all.


Posted 1/11/06 2:14 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

Posted by Calla

Bacon does have nitrates, but you'd be eating such a small amount I don't think it would matter. (Just don't go having a hot dog or sausage the next day!)

The cooked eggs are no problem at all.


I definitely will not be eating hotdogs...I kind of lost an interest in them. Even before I got PG.

Posted 1/11/06 2:18 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Cooking with Eggs...

So I told my mom what I was planning making for dinner and she volunteered to make it. She lives next door to us and is also our landlord...LOL

I told her she really didn't have to but she insisted because she said she was on her way out to do food shopping...I didn't want to hurt her feelings and say no. I'll make it for him next week. He won't mind having it again so soon...Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 2:57 PM

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