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Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

131 total posts


Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

For my husband's 40th I want to get him something he will LOVE. There is nothing her would love more than a trip to Ireland -- but would I be crazy to take Julia? I really wouldn't go oversees for a week without her. Would it be too hard with issues like car seats, jet lag, naps, cribs, food, etc.? I just don't know what to do! I really want to do it - but only if it will be fun for everyone.

Posted 5/2/06 8:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

I think that Ireland is probably really child friendly, however at 14 months, you will probably spend most of your holiday chasing after the baby. I think its doable, but just toddles are a different kettle of fish to a baby

Posted 5/2/06 8:07 AM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

I was struggling with this as well. DH wanted to go to San Fran for a long weekend. Alex will be 16 months old. I just don't know if I am ready for that yet. European vacations tend to be more on the sightseeing/long days kind of vacations since there is so much to see and do. For me, I think it would be difficult because Alex doesn't adapt to change well, he likes to be at home with his toys, take naps at regular intervals and keeping to his schedule. When we don't, Ohh boy it is not fun. I guess the question would be how well does your dd adapt to different environments and deviating from routines. Going over probably wouldn't be bad since it is an overnight flight and the time change would happen in the night. Coming back might be different when you are flying all day and get back again in the early afternoon. Is she walking well? Does she enjoy being in her stroller? These are the issues I would consider. Also, everything in Europe is small, restaurants, cafes everything. I would suggest getting a very small umbrella stroller, or a backpack carrier.

DS was born in Ireland and I remember what a pain it was in some cafes with the Snap & Go. If you have any questions about Ireland, feel free to ask away. We lived there for just about 2 years.

Posted 5/2/06 8:25 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

I don't see ti as a problem. If you are driving around the baby will probably sleep. Some sightseeing places are not stroller friendly. )Blarney Stone for one) I think it all depends on where you plan on going.

I'm going on Sat for 2 1/2 weeks. (my girls are 6 1/2 months) But, that is to see family mostly. We won't be doing much sight seeing.

Posted 5/2/06 8:55 AM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Ireland for a week with a 14-month old?

Is there someone you can bring along with you to take care of your daughter when you and your husband want some alone time? A family member, a baby sitter.

We went away with good friends, and they brought their baby sitter....and it made the trip a lot easier for them.

Posted 5/2/06 9:17 AM

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