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When do you know its the right time?

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


When do you know its the right time?

I would love some feedback from the ladies here...I have only been married 2 months..(a great two months) and DH and I talk about children constantly. We have known since we've started dating that kids were most certainly in our future. I cannot wait, and he is even more excited.

But of course..finances hang over our heads. We aren't in debt BUT we don't make much right now-I just started a new job and am taking classes to eventually earn my teaching license.

We have made the decision that I'll stop the pill and see what happens...but I am so so nervous. Nervous about affording this baby, about what to expect etc. DH assures me we will be fine and make it through-I know maybe people will think we're jumping the gun, and just to "enjoy married life" but we just feel we've enjoyed so much together that a baby seems like it would complete us.

Did anyone else have these feelings? Are we being completely blinded? I don't know what to think. 1/2 of me is excited and 1/2 scared out of my mind..any feedback, stories, experiences you have..please share!!!

thank you for listening!!!

Message edited 12/3/2005 12:05:49 PM.

Posted 12/2/05 12:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

146 total posts


Re: When do you know its the right time?

I don't think you are jumping the gun. You and DH know when the time is right for you. I wouldn't worry about finances. Everything seems to work out in the end. My sister, who has 4, has said that babies aren't that much more money in the beginning.

If you guys feel the time is right, I say go for it.

Posted 12/2/05 12:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: When do you know its the right time?

I am the exact opposite - while I am a little nervous, Dh is waaaaaaay more worried about $. But I do think you just kinda figure it out as you go, priorities change, etc. once you have a little one :) Sounds like you are just having normal concerns. I think when you are ready you just feel it! Hope that helps :)

Posted 12/2/05 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1652 total posts


Re: When do you know its the right time?

It seems that everyone that has babies say that there is never the 'perfect' time to have a baby. If the time is right for you, and it just feels right, I think that is all that matters. Money always gets figured out in the way.

In my case, we have also been only married for 6 months - I am still picking out our album photos! But we have been together for 8 years and it feels like its the right time. Though I am in school now, and all the 'common sense' says to first finish grad school and than have kids, we are 'planning' on the opposite. We are planning on having the first kid now and than later I will just go to gradschool full time. This is what seems is right for us, and that is what we are doing.

Posted 12/2/05 2:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: When do you know its the right time?

Thanks for the responses :)

I know in my heart that we are ready to be parents...and i always thought that DH would be the one to worry more than me about money and eveything, but it is comforting to know how happ and excited he assures me :) But i do know it'll take a little bit for me to overcome my anxiety.

Thanks again :) If anyone has anything else to offer, feel free!!!

Posted 12/2/05 2:46 PM

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