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Doctor question (kind of long)

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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Doctor question (kind of long)

I am about 15 weeks along now, and I have been to the doctor 3 times (6, 10 & 14 weeks). They did a sono each time -- the first, it was too small to properly date the pregnancy, so the second was really the "first", but I don't know why they did one again the second time -- at 14 weeks. They didn't measure anything but the crown to rump length. I have read here that people are having "ultrascreens" at about 12 weeks. What exactly is an ultrascreen? I haven't had anything else checked. Also, I have been telling my doctor since the first visit that I was considering amnio because I am over 35.

At my last visit, at first, I was telling him how I felt (crampy, backache, VERY BAD headaches) he didn't respond, he just said ok, let's do the sono. When I heard the heartbeat, I told him that it didn't sound as loud or as strong as last time, and was everything ok. He just said "everything's fine". He then told me that he is sending me for a perinatal consult (because I have a mild endocrine problem, so he wants to be sure we are doing everything we should be for me). Then I felt like he whisked me out of the room. When I caught up to him (out at the receptionist's desk), I asked him when we would discuss risk vs. benefit of the amnio, and he opened my chart again, and said (annoyed), "Well, now would be a good time."

Finally, I'm not sure what is supposed to take place at these monthly visits, but so far, he has not felt my tummy, measured anything, or checked my feet or ankles for swelling. He checks my blood pressure and does a sono every time. Is this normal, or should he be doing more?

I kind of feel like I am being overlooked, but I don't know if I'm just being emotional or not. Does this sound normal, or should I look for a new doctor?

Posted 11/5/05 6:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Doctor question (kind of long)

The ultrascreen is a "new test" (came out in the last 2 years or so. It measures the folds on the back of the neck and also they take blood to make sure things are matching up like they should be. Maybe your doc just doesn't offer the test. has he asked if you want to do the AFP test?

Monthly visits should be peeing in a cup, blood pressure, listening to the babies heartbeat, asking if you have any questions, drawing blood when the tests are needed, eventually checking for swelling (usually farther along), checking your uterus (fundal height) (usually after 20 weeks). A sono every time!! IM JEALOUS!!!

If you feel like you are being overlooked or hurried out maybe you should look into getting a new doc. Do it quickly though!!! You dont have much time since a new doc may not want to take you! This is a special time and you need to have all your questions answered!!

Posted 11/5/05 6:36 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Doctor question (kind of long)

I got a sono a 7.5 weeks, 15 weeks and at 20 weeks. I know that some Dr's do it after 12 weeks because a cyst forms that provides the hormones and such for the new fetus but is supposed to disappear by 12 weeks when the placenta kicks in.

If you are unhappy with your dr's beside manner, you should change dr's. This is SUCH A big deal to feel comfortable with your dr.

I did not start getting measured until I started going 2 times a month....the rest of the monthlys were weighing in, pee in a cup, blood pressure, all standard stuff.

Now, they measure, but don't tell me what I'm measuring. I have to ask for my weight. And I make sure I ask lots of questions.

Posted 11/5/05 7:42 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Doctor question (kind of long)

JMO- maybe find a new doc before you get to far along.

Just to share with you my pregnancy history- I had Sono at 8 weeks to check for heartbeat. Then at 13 weeks had the "Nucal Sonogram" the new test to check for Down Syndrome, which also included a small blood sample. This test must be done at the 13th week to be accurate. Not all doctors are yet doing this. Then at 20 weeks had my "anatomy" sonogram. This is when they take all measurements of the baby to make sure he/she is growing as planned. At that sonogram, you can learn the Sex of the baby. If they feel anything is abnormal or can't really get a good reading, they might at that point recommend you getting a "Level 2" Sonogram which is much more high tech. After then I didn't have another sonogram until 32 weeks. As far as the blood work goes, you will have it at 8 weeks (pre-natal blood work up), at 16 weeks you go for a blood test to check for Spinabifida and Down Syndrome if you didnt get the Nucal Sonogram done. Then at the end of 2nd trimester you will go for your GTT (check to make sure your blood glucose is normal and not at risk for GD). Then between 34-36 weeks pregnancy you will again have blood work done and they repeat your HIV test if you consented to it.
Doctor visits where once a month and my doctor would always take a measuring tape to check the hight of my fundus (top of uterus) and that helps them make sure the baby is growing as planned as well. I didn't start getting internals done until my 34th week and that is being done now at each visit. From week 32 to 36 I saw my doctor every 2 weeks and now that I am 36 weeks, I will be going once a week till delievery. I hope this helps you.

Posted 11/5/05 8:47 PM

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