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Stop calling me!

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It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Stop calling me!

No it isn't the chocolate Easter Bunny. It's the daycare teacher. Why does she call me everyday to tell me my son isn't behaving? Can't she just say "It's Irene. Ditto from yesterday but no one is injured" and hang up the phone?Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 3:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

Why so they need to call you? I only call parents when someone is hurt. Can you speak to the director?

Posted 7/7/06 3:31 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

What is he doing that is so disruptive to this women's day????

Posted 7/7/06 3:32 PM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

Posted by nrthshgrl

No it isn't the chocolate Easter Bunny. It's the daycare teacher. Why does she call me everyday to tell me my son isn't behaving? Can't she just say "It's Irene. Ditto from yesterday but no one is injured" and hang up the phone?Chat Icon

This use to happen to my mother (EVERYDAY) with my 2nd grade teacher. My poor naive mother use to say look at her she is so innocent ,she couldn't have Sharpened a whole box of 40 pencils with an electric sharpener the whole day .. teacher's response ther is not an innocent bone in that girl's body TEE HEE .. at least you know Chat Icon

Message edited 7/7/2006 3:35:59 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 3:33 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

I understand her need to talk to you- but what does she expect you to do about it while you are at work? Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 3:34 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

Whoops - just realized this isn't the parenting board..Chat Icon

She calls to tell me he doesn't have his listening ears on & isn't listening to her, that he told her he was going to break the school apart, blah, blah, blah (yeah lady, his mother isn't listening to you either. You drone on & on....).

He's almost 5. The other teacher has a much better grip on reality than this one does. She tells me that she told me son to chill out & he did.

Oops..still complaining & not on the parenting apologies.

Posted 7/7/06 3:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

81 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

if the teacher is a teacher, like her title deams, then she should have some suggestions on how to help him listen.....or give him stuff to do so that he isnt bored and acting out-----

Posted 7/7/06 5:08 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

I am a teacher -- and have taught Early CHildhood for most of my career -- and if she is calling you so often about his behavior then she needs to sit down with you and discuss some plans as far as what she is doing to help him do the right thing.

You can only do so much at home when he knows he doesn't see you all day. Maybe some type of communication log?

I have a simple one for M-F for a few of my students, with a smiley face, medium face and frown face for each day. I just color in the appropriate face for each day as a quick way of telling the parents how the day went. There is room for comments at the bottom.

Posted 7/7/06 5:15 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

I am also a teacher and we mainly only call the parents if someone is injured. Its policy.
To call because he doesn't have on his "Listening ears" is kind of odd, IMO.
I usually wait until the end of the day to "talk" about the day with the parents. If it is really bad, then yes, I get my supervisor involved and she will hold the meeting.

Posted 7/7/06 5:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

81 total posts


Re: Stop calling me!

I teach preschoolers and if I had to call every parent when a child was not listening, i would live on the phone!!!!! Chat Icon

Perhaps, there is a reward system that your child would respond to in school, something as simple as stickers or stamps---believe it or not, children all have things that motivate them--she just needs the patience to find it!

Posted 7/7/06 5:25 PM

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