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I bought....

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My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


I bought....

3 bibs last night at babies r us for the grandparents. This is how we are going to tell both sets of parents that they are going to be first time grandparents..... His i know will take it just fine, but mine are going to yell and say i am not ready for this, so i thought instead of me telling them, let the card and bib do the talking, and if they do get angry DH and I are just going to leave and let them call us when they are over it........ the bibs say

Grandma loves me

I love going to grandpa's


grandma's little pumpkin (This is my parents bc i am telling them when I am 12 weeks) Waiting as long as I can....... O dear this is so hard for me, i am crying just thinking about it... Someone tell me I am not alone............ ok Vent over

Posted 8/25/06 9:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: I bought....

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dont be nervous!!!! once it sinks in their brain they will be happy for you. it is going to be their first one and u r married now!!!! (only saying that based on your post yesterday)

i think the bib idea is adorable!!

good luck and keep us posted!!!

Message edited 8/25/2006 9:28:39 PM.

Posted 8/25/06 9:19 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: I bought....

I was nervous to tell my dad. I had to tell my parents at seperate times because my dad was on vacation and I didnt want to tell him over the phone. The night his flight landed he came to my house for dinner and he just finished telling me how people were asking him when he was going to be a grandfather and he was saying not yet he is too young (he is 48). Well after dinner I gave him his "gift for the office" that's what I told him it was and after he opened the box and saw the shirt and figured it out his first words were F**K. He did have a smile on his face but it was hard for me to figure out his emotoions. I figured out on my own that it was difficult for him to see me in that positon. He didnt want to believe it and would ignore my mom and me when my belly would move and stuff. Let me tell you though he adores his grandson and loves him so much. He actually said that same night I told him that he cant wait until he can come to his soccer games. So it might turn out better than you think. Good luck and congrates. Sorry it is so long.

Posted 8/25/06 9:34 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: I bought....

Thanks girls i hope it is bette then last time................Chat Icon

Posted 8/26/06 11:03 AM

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