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BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

OK, DH and I are going on Sat I think to get a registry started since I think I'm being thrown a shower in NY next week!

Pack N Plays'? which ones are good for the $$

Swing and/or bouncy seat...both or one or the other? (I'm in love with the baby papasan swing because it swings both ways)

other "must haves"??

Posted 8/3/05 9:04 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

So DH got the time off? that's great.

We got the Eddie Bauer Pack 'n Play (in Manchester)

Ocean Wonders Cradle Swing (goes both ways)
Ocean Wonders Bouncer (my son hated it so we returned it)

Here are some other things from our registry that I have found useful:

Boppy Pillow (I didn't BF, so I use it to prop him up in it when we are sitting on the couch. )

Gerber Gauze Weave Cloth Diapers (12-pk.) (great to use as burp clothes)

3-pack 8 oz Dr. Browns Bottles (skip the 4oz ones bc they only last for few weeks)

Arm's Reach Concepts Mini Co-Sleeper Natural (great to keep by your bed for the first few months, can be used as a play pen also. )

Microwave Steam Sterilizer (quick and easy to use)

Baby Einstein Play Gym (great way to keep them occupied for a few minutes)

Sure Comfort Deluxe Newborn-to-Toddler Tub (great for newborns and fits right over kitchen sink)

Night & Day Bottle Warmer (Has a compartment to keep bottles cool at night and a warmer so you don't have to get up during the night. We have 2-story house so it's great for night feedings)

Message edited 8/3/2005 9:36:37 AM.

Posted 8/3/05 9:15 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

Play pens.... I have a Graco Pack N Play at my house and my mom's. My dad has a Kolkraft one and my ILs have a Baby Trend one. All are great, and I really can't see a difference between them quality wise.

Sarah liked the aquarium bouncer and swing. She doesn't like the Baby Einstein play mat or the Exersaucer. She prefers playing with the lamaze toys right on the floor. She also really likes the Leap Frog ball that sings the alphabet. I forget what it's called. And she loves this Tummy Time Turtle that has a mirror in his belly. I think it's from Fisher Price.

I ended up bottle feeding so I didn't really use the Boppy. I agree that the gerber diapers are great burp rags.

Register for LOTS of bibs. We go through at least 5 a day. The drool when teething starts is incredible.

We have the Fisher Price Healthy Care High Chair. I really like it. Easy to operate and clean. She likes the 2 toys that are attached.

That's all i can think of now, but I'll add anything else I think of.

Posted 8/3/05 9:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

I had a graco Pack and play that I will be repurchasing for the next baby.. I had the Ocean wonders bouncer.. My son LOVED it.. Hated the swing.. (although they didnt have the swings that went both ways when he was born)... Each baby is different...

Depending on your due date.. If your baby is going to be in any of the winter months in the infant seat, and in cold weather, I know youre from GA, but the best was the eddie Bauer carseat cover.. its stretchy and goes over the infant carrier, much easier than 15 blankets and a hat and a big coat.... Much easier for travelling too...

Ask other moms at BRU if you want to as well. I got a lot of helpful advice from them the first time around!! LOL... Good Luck

Posted 8/3/05 12:42 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

I don't know the name but every baby I know loves this small vibrating seat by Fisher Price. They are covered in a blue/mulyicolor fabric and have a switch on front to vibrate low or high. Puts them right to sleep

Posted 8/3/05 12:48 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

I have a Graco Pack and Play and so do both grandmas and I like them. Nt sure what's the best. But no issues with them.

For me the swing and bouncer are must haves. For awhile he would only nap in my arms or the swing. The bouncer still at six months - - he loves and we use the most out of any one. I have the blue Fisher Price Kick and Play but now I think they only make it in green. My mom has the Ocean Wonders one adn he barely fits in it now....but my kick and Play is fine.

Of course you want basics like a high chair, crib, car seats, crib bedding and stroller.

I love the activity center/exersaucer - I have a baby einstein one. Also an exercise/play mat. All are put to good use. I think a boppy is great to have. Good for tummy time, sleeping on the couch and a great prop up pillow for feedings. I did a variety of bottles and returned the up opened ones I didn't wind up using. baby Einstein vidoes are great for my baby. Baby Mozart, Baby Beethoven, Langauge Nursery and Baby Bach are all good for young babies (I have a complete set I got as a gift). Depending on your house - maybe safety gates. You are in warmer weather so maybe an outdoor cabana or tent for shade if you have a yard - we use ours a lot in the summer. Maybe some swaddle wraps or Halo sleep sacks for bed time.

Message edited 8/3/2005 2:08:16 PM.

Posted 8/3/05 2:07 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: BTDT Mom's....REgistry help please

We have the Papasan swing and Jesse loves it. Sometimes it's the only way we get him to sleep. And we are always switching the direction of the swing - depends on his mood.

We used our bassinet a lot. He slept and napped in it for two months, and it had wheels so we could easily move it from one room to the next.

The Angelcare Monitor is something we couldn't do without. I considered returning it, but after using it I have to say we definitely sleep a little better knowing the alarm will go off if he stops breathing too long. Of course we don't rely on it, but it helps.

We like the onesies that snap all the way up the front - easier than the ones you have to pull over the head.

Mittens for their hands so they don't scratch their faces.

A thermometer - we have a digital.

Posted 8/3/05 4:21 PM

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