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For the new moms

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Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


For the new moms

Is motherhood what you thought it would be? Any surprises, anything that you never expected?
Just curious if it seems like what you expected and anticipated...

Posted 2/10/06 8:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

99 total posts


Re: For the new moms

On the most part it's what I expected it to be although I never thought about how hard it would be just to take a shower or run and get a bagel in the morning.

The one thing that I never expected is the love that I have for this child. I always knew that I would love my child and have a special bond with him but I never expected the intensity of that love or bond. It's the greatest thing ever Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 9:14 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: For the new moms

I would have to agree completely with what JoeysMommy said. Also, for me, I expected things to be sooo hard, and they are not. The adjustment to mommyhood was not one of monumental proportions for me.

Posted 2/10/06 9:26 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: For the new moms

I'd say the lack of time is kind of a surprise, but not...does that make sense? There are days where she catnaps for like 20 minutes and NOTHING gets done in the house (and my sister has the nerve to ask "how do you live like this??" try waking up every 2 1/2 hours to feed a baby which takes 20-30 minutes and then trying to go back to sleep)

I'd agree with the above mommies that the love we feel for this littler person that we created out of love is completely unfathomable. This little creature that lived inside me for 9 months now is a part of our everyday lives and it amazes me every single day how wonderful life can be.

Posted 2/11/06 10:11 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: For the new moms

It is much harder and much more amazing then I ever thought it would be.

Posted 2/11/06 11:38 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: For the new moms

I didn't think it would be so much work, and I thought i would have a lot more patience! I love it though, it is the most fulfilling and rewarding job in my life!

Posted 2/11/06 11:41 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: For the new moms

The overwhelming love. Oh my god - I knew I'd love my baby - but never ever imagined how full my heart would be - it's amazing and scary and wonderful all at the same time...

Second to that - I never knew how much lack of sleep would throw me off - and I didn't think it would last this long!Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 1:26 PM

My boys

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Re: For the new moms

Posted by jcndd

The overwhelming love. Oh my god - I knew I'd love my baby - but never ever imagined how full my heart would be - it's amazing and scary and wonderful all at the same time...

I fully agree with thisChat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 3:33 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: For the new moms

Posted by jcndd

The overwhelming love. Oh my god - I knew I'd love my baby - but never ever imagined how full my heart would be - it's amazing and scary and wonderful all at the same time...

Well said...

The love is unimagineable, and it continues to grow everyday!!!!

Other than that.... I *think it was easier than expected... I dont know if its because I have a really good baby, or if its because previously to becoming a mom, I was taking care of 8 babies everyday at workChat Icon .... one in your own home.... so much easier Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 3:36 PM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: For the new moms

Posted by sunny

It is much harder and much more amazing then I ever thought it would be.

I totally agree. It's so much harder than I thought... the lack of sleep and time, but it's the most wonderful and amazing time of my life.

Posted 2/11/06 3:39 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: For the new moms

Thank you for all sound like amazing moms!!!!!!

Posted 2/11/06 3:54 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: For the new moms

I think I'm going to sound a bit opposite of the other new moms. I was not surprised by how much I love my baby... it is amazing, but I knew I would love him SO much. What does surprise me is how happy he makes me...he makes me laugh everyday, he amazes me everyday. I didn't expect to get so excited over the what may seem like the silliest things - starting solids, rolling over, sitting up, etc.

Also...when it came to motherhood in general I expected the worst. I expected it to be soooo hard. I don't want to jinx myself but really it's been a lot easier than I expected (so far). I know we have a good baby, an easy baby even and that's part of it but I was pleasantly surprised to find it wasn't as hard as some people make it sound.

Posted 2/11/06 4:46 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: For the new moms

The first few days i was extremely overwhelmed, and had the baby blues bad. There were days when i actually thought, "what was i thinking, why did i do this to myself?" But all that went away within the first week, and now I cant imagine life without my son. I was very scared that i wouldnt know what to do or how to care for him. But its so true what people say, your instincts take over and you "Just Know." No one knows my son like i do. I know what every cry means, and how to fix it. Even my DH doesnt quite know sometimes what his cries mean. I do miss running out of the house on a whim, and now leaving the house with Jacob is like a 2 hour preparation period. The sleep deprivation does take its toll, and I will not lie it totally totally totally ***** and it totally totally totally physically HURTS sometimes, but when i am awake at 4 am and feeding him on the couch and he looks up at me from his bottle and smiles.... it is so unbelievably WORTH IT!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 6:11 PM

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