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For all the new moms

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All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


For all the new moms

We would love to hear your reviews on the things you love such as bottles, bouncers, strollers. What has been the biggest lifesaver, what you could have done without or would change??..... thanks Gina

Posted 10/25/05 9:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

268 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

Luke is only a little over 2 months, but here are my reviews so far...

Bottles: Dr. Brown's (no gas problems thus far)

Bouncers: FP Aquarium Bouncer--my son loves it

I have found having an extra car base a lifesaver with 2 cars since we are always switching.

PIS Medela Pump---is wonderful for those who need a good quality pump to express BM with

My son loves the Baby Einstein Gym--he laughs his little heart out every evening.

I could do without:

-the billions of receiving blankets (5-6 are fine) that I got as gifts

-returned the sleep postioner (used rolled up receiving blankets at first...), returned bottle sterilizer and bottle warmer as I boil the bottles in a regular pot and warm up his bottles in a plastic container filled with hot water

Hope this helps!

Posted 10/25/05 9:18 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

the aquarium bouncer has been a lifesaver for me!

I also use and love the Medela pump - it's great.

Boppy Pillow is really helpful. I would also stock up on burp cloths. You would be surprised how many you need.

I also bought one of those all in one kits with the nail clippers, brush, asperator, thermometer,etc...I use something in it at least once a day.

Things I could have lived without - any clothes in newborn size - Talia never fit into them, Nor did she wear newborn diapers for more than a day or two - I went right into a size don't buy too many diapers until you know how big the baby is.


Posted 10/26/05 6:37 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

Yay!! Keep em coming these are great tips!!

Posted 10/26/05 9:44 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

My daughter is 6 months old.

We could not have lived without-

The aquarium swing
The aquarium bouncer
The extra base for the car seat since he drops her at daycare and I pick her up.
Any toys that hook onto the carrier, the car seat or stroller. She loves that!
The mirror so that I can see her through my rearview mirror
A LOT of burp clothes and good bibs- when the saliva comes in what a lot of soaked bibs
She LOVES LOVES LOVES her exersaucer

She was indifferent to her pack and play. She HATED laying in the bassinette part since she couldn't see out. We found putting a second mattress in there she began to like it more. She would never sleep in there prior to the extra matress.

I definitely didn't need as many receiving blankets as I got. I still have some that I never used.

The sleep positioner- didn't really need though I used it.

I also had the aquarium portable swing and I wanted to return it but my husband wanted to keep it incase we went anywhere.Chat Icon I think we used it 3 times at most.

I don't know what else I am forgetting about- if you think of something just ask.

Posted 10/26/05 12:21 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

Hmmm... here's my list:

Bottles - playtex nursers. They're the only ones that Alex would take - I think they're really good for switching between breastfeeding and bottlefeeding

Medela PIS - a lifesaver for when I want to go out, or to catch up on sleep. Pump some milk in the morning, and hubby will feed her at night!

Car mirror - she was born particularly small so her head bobbed a lot in the beginning... I felt safer being able to look at her.

Stroller - Graco Metrolite - I love it.

What someone said about newborn clothes is so true! Alex was born smaller than expected (6lbs) and she fit into NOTHING I bought for her! I had to go run out and buy a whole new wardrobe of newborn clothes for her!!

Love the boppy pillow... really helps with breastfeeding. Also love her little gymnini and her swing.

Also love our portable bassinet - I can walk around the house and carry her with me everywhere. It has a vibration option and noise options as well... puts her right to sleep.

My top pick is also the video monitor. Alex makes a lot of noise in her sleep, including crying. Before I would get up everytime she cried or grunted to check on her, and then go back to bed if I saw she was still asleep. What a PITA! Now, with the monitor, with every grunt or cry she makes I look at the monitor, see that she's asleep and I can go right back to sleep...

Waste of money - the bouncy seats (she hates them) and the bottle warmer. It's easier just to heat up the bottle in some warm tap water.

Posted 10/27/05 12:14 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: For all the new moms

oh yes, the video monitor - LOVE it! Has saved me a lot of trips to her room in the middle of the night.

Posted 10/27/05 1:02 PM

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